AntiCheat+ is a fork of the very popular anti-hacking plugin, AntiCheat. After its discontinuation, many server administrators wished to have this plugin updated. That's the goal of this project; to maintain, continue, and build upon the original AntiCheat. AntiCheat+ will hook into your existing configuration data for the original AntiCheat, so that you can seamlessly switch between the two.
AntiCheat+ helps server admins easily identify and block malicious users by monitoring and analyzing the behavior of players. AntiCheat+ looks for tell-tale signs of hacked clients and implements limits into the game so that players cannot gain an advantage by hacking.
For support of any kind, please leave a support ticket by clicking the link to the top-right of this page, or leave a bug in the official Bug Tracker.
For an overview of the plugin's configurations, click here.
Developer Tools
Latest/Bleeding Edge Builds
For the latest builds (including bleeding edge, buggy testing builds), head on over to the Continuous Integration Server. Note that these builds are both extremely unstable, and as such if you submit a bug report make sure to include what version it is that you are using. Also note that none of the builds available at the continuous integration server have been approved by BukkitDev staff.
To see the latest builds in action, feel free to join Note that this server is running Spigot for Minecraft 1.8, and that the AntiCheat+ configurations are slightly different so as to make testing easier on me.
AntiCheat+ uses the Updater system to ensure that your plugin is always up-to-date with the latest protection. Updater is compliant with the update-checking guidelines imposed on all BukkitDev plugins which ensure all updates to your server are approved by BukkitDev Staff prior to being downloaded.
If you wish to disable auto-updating, you may set the "auto-update" toggle in the config.yml to false.
Bug Reporting & Questions
Click here to visit the official AntiCheat+ bugtracker and file a bug report. Make sure to include a detailed description of the error, as well as any possible relevant data from the console and the logs.
Spigot Support
This plugin has been tested on the latest version of Spigot for Minecraft 1.8; I will continue to test it on this platform.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Relentless Survival ( for providing a stable testing environment to work with.
what api is needed?
horrible anticheat it barely detects anything literally it can barely detect one thing if anyone uses this on there server there server is a meme like no joke i have 5 fly bypasses 29 speed bypasses 4 nofall bypasses they dont even have a criticals check the timer check randomly false flags and there killaura checks false flags so much i was just pvping for 2 minutes and set off 10 logs for forcefield
In reply to coolpvpv13:
Thanks, i wont be using it.
In reply to coolpvpv13:
I play on 1.16 server which uses this and vanilla Minecraft has blocked me more hacks than this.
In reply to coolpvpv13:
Yep worst
Question. Can this plugin work with permissionEX so when someone with permission to fly can fly without be banned?
what verson is it on now
This plugin looks good, can I reprint this plugin? (I don't speak English, this passage is machine translation)
that plugins nice (ban hacker nice ) however i find a issue on ban hacker flight success ban move to y when using flight not move to y , but moving quickly with flight speed on x (will not be banned ) the anticheat plugin will not be detect i hope the plugin will be better Have a great day
please update - -
In reply to omg8456:
If you want an updated and fixed version of this plugin; check my version!
No one download this it said one of my visitors was hacking for walking it said speed hacking and then it called fly hacks on him NO ONE DOWNLOAD WARNING NO ONE
I Would Recommend..
I Would recommend updating this plugin to either 1.8 or 1.9, because it needs to cover more hacks * clients, like Wurst, Metro, Protocol, Senos and way more clients. With those clients listed, < when I use them on My server (BowlerCraft) with this plugin, and when im not opped, its a big issue, i could do Anything. But I'm not saying this is a bad plugin..
In reply to thebowlers2013:
Jumping and spinning while walk on stair can kick the player/ban
Ala gente que no usa hacks tambien la kikea y banea quiten eso porfavor porque en las opciones de configuracion no se puede quitar y kicea a todo kisqui
Lo uso en mi server buen plugin
try here i use these all the time to test on my servers :)
why does it say fastplacing detected when using flint and steel?
you can disable the fastplace check for flint and steel.
edit your config