
Anti-Enchant is a Bukkit plugin which allows you to limit or forbid players on your server to use certain enchants on certain items. That's actually about it there is to say about it, it's quite simple! Please, after downloading, proceed to 'How to' page for further instructions.

As of 23rd of November, 2016 this plugin is being updated to the most recent version of Minecraft. Please, standby.

If you feel like donating, please send the PayPal payment to *[email protected]*. Thank you!

Source Code

Latest version: Anti-Enchant 1.5 - January 4, 2015

Installing the plugin

Simply drag and drop the '.jar' file into your 'plugins' directory for your server. Reload (restart) your server, and the plugin should be installed, along with a folder that just appeared, which contains the configuration!

Configuring the plugin

There will be number of lines for each item in the game. Simply tag the item you wish to make not enchantable with 'false', and proceed to save the config, enter the game and use /ae_reload command.


  • '/ae_reload' - reloads the plugin configuration file after it has been modified
  • '/ae_unenchant' - disenchants the item the player's currently holding in their hands
  • '/ae_table' - spawns an enchanting table with some bookshelves around the player


  • 'ae.enchantbooks' - allows the group (player) to enchant books
  • 'ae.admin' - access to all of the commands of the plugin and access to all enchants
  • '' - allows the player (the group) to repair items by anvil
  • 'ae.unenchant' - permission to 'ae_unenchant'

If your server is using this plugin, feel free to PM me or leave a comment with the IP, I'll be happy to add it to the list in this description.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 21, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 17, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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