

Now for 1.11 or older! (With ViaVersion - included at additional files!)



10.000 downloads! Thank you very much for this!

Now, you can play Annihilation on 1.11, 1.10, 1.9 and 1.8! - Annihilation 3.0 release!

BETABUILD for anni 3.0 out now!

Some changes on this site! / Added the slovakian language


Welcome! This is a plugin, which will help you to run the most-played minecraft minigame - Annihilation!

What is it? Annihilation is team minigame, there are four teams: red, blue, yellow and green. It have 5 phases. The point is to destroy other nexuses and don't get destroyed your nexus! The team, with last alive nexus will win!



The new version, compatible with 1.8 and newest versions! (Already completed)

Class builder, here you can add your own class!

New classes!

Test server!

Fully woking compass! (It might be fixed now!)


Latest Update

Annihilation 3.0 beta

Now compatible with 1.11, 1.10, 1.9 and 1.8!



50 downloads COMPLETE

100 downloads COMPLETE

200 downloads COMPLETE

500 downloads COMPLETE

1 000 downloads COMPLETE

2 000 downloads COMPLETE

5 000 downloads COMPLETE

10 000 downloads COMPLETE

20 000 downloads NOT COMPLETED YET



> ViaVersion support!

> World-Reset Support

> 1 arena per 1 server - It's for BungeeCord!

> Customisable TABLIST

> Customisable ScreenMessages

> Customisable ScoreBoard

> Customisable BossBar Messages

> Editable ScreenMessages

> Editable Join-Items

> Customisable/Editable MOTDs

> Editable Boss names/Boss Items

> Up to six maps on one server

> Most used map config like coasterman10's Annihilation plugin

> Ender chest/Ender furnace/Ender brewing stand

> 10 kits! When you are Java deveplover, you can add your own kits!



/anni - Plugin info

/anni start - Start the game

/class - Opens a class change GUI

/team - View teams

/team red - Join team red

/team blue - Join team blue

/team yellow - Join team yellow

/team green - Join team green

/stats - Show your stats

/distance - Show your distances

/anniwr - only for version 2.0 - Reset a map



anni.class.warrior - WARRIOR

anni.class.archer - ARCHER

anni.class.miner - MINER

anni.class.lumberjack - LUMBERJACK

anni.class.scout - SCOUT

anni.class.berserker - BERSERKER

anni.class.spy - SPY

anni.class.defender - DEFENDER

anni.class.jumper - JUMPER

anni.class.enchanter - ENCHANTER

anni.bypass.teamlimitor - CHANGE TEAM PERMISSION

anni.bypass.teamlimit - FULL TEAM JOIN

anni.bypass.phaselimiter - JOIN IN PHASE 3,4,5 (Configurable)

anni.map.edit - EDIT MAPS

anni.map.save - SAVE MAPS



Warrior - He deals +1 damage with any sword!

Archer - He deals +1 damage with any bow!

Miner - He mines 2x more from ores!

Lumberjack - He mines 2x more from wood!

Scout - He has grapple to grapple faster! Also he has speed I !

Berserker - For every kill, he claims 1 heart up to 15 hearts!

Spy - When he clicks SHIFT, he gets invisibility for 10 seconds!

Defender - He has better armor!

Jumper - He has permanent speed and jump boost effect!

Enchanter - He gets 64 EXP bottles on start!


For this, please visit github wiki here: https://github.com/XvitrixCZE/Annihilation/wiki


Config File Links


ENG English (default) config: HERE


CZE Czech config (by XvitrixCZE): HERE


SVK Slovakian config: HERE


SPA Spanish config (by SHADOW45): HERE


DEU German config: HERE


Do you want to create your country's languange version? Please, contact me on Facebook page - Xvitrix FanPage :)