
############### Anni ###############

  1. Permissions:
  2. KITS:
  3. anni.class.warrior - WARRIOR
  4. anni.class.archer - ARCHER
  5. anni.class.miner - MINER
  6. anni.class.lumberjack - LUMBERJACK
  7. anni.class.scout - SCOUT
  8. anni.class.berserker - BERSERKER
  9. anni.class.spy - SPY
  10. anni.class.defender - DEFENDER
  11. ------
  12. OTHERS :
  13. anni.bypass.teamlimitor - Change Team
  14. anni.bypass.teamlimit - Join to full team
  15. anni.bypass.phaselimiter - PHASE JOIN
  16. - EDIT MAP
  17. - SAVE MAP
  18. Start delay - 30 = 30 seconds start-delay: 30
  1. Phase time - 600 seconds = 10 minuts phase-period: 600
  1. Restart time - 2 restart-delay: 30
  1. Stats: "flatfile" - File DB - stats.yml | "sql" - MySQL DB stats: flatfile

MySQL: port: 3306 user: username pass: password host: localhost name: anniplus

roman: true

  1. Prefix Anni prefix: '&8[&9Annihilation&8] &a'
  1. Players to start requiredToStart: 5
  1. Build zone build: 14
  1. Boss to spawn - 10 minutes bossRespawnDelay: 10
  1. MOTD - enableMotd: true
  1. Join to Phase lastJoinPhase: 2
  1. JoinMessage JoinMessage: '&cWelcome to Annihilation!' PermissionsForClass: '&cYou don t have permissions!'
  1. Motd Setting
  4. %GREENCOUNT% %REDCOUNT% %BLUECOUNT% %YELLOWCOUNT% motdLobby: '&5&lLobby' motdPhase: '&aPhase &e%PHASE%'
  5. Seting ActionBar:
  6. %PHASE% %TIME% %RESTART% %TOTAL% ActionPhase: '&aPhase: &e%PHASE% &f&l| &cTime: &5%TIME%' ActionStart: '&7Game starting: ' ActionRestart: '&cTotal Time: &6%TOTAL% &f| &aServer is restarting %RESTART%'
  1. Seting Team EnableJoinTeamTitle: true JoinTitleTeam: '&fJoined' JoinSubTitleTeam: '&r%TEAM%'
  1. Classa EnableClassTitle: true ClassTitleSelect: '&fSelected' ClassSubTitleSelect: '&e%CLASS%'
  1. Join EnableJoinTitle: true JoinTitle: '&7Annihilation' JoinSubTitle: '&eEnjoy Your Stay!'
  1. MapTitle EnableMapTitle: true MapTitle: '&fWe will play' MapSubTitle: '&e%MAP%'
  1. BossTitle EnableBossTitle: true SpawnBossTitle: 'Boss &a%boss% &fhas spawned!' SpawnBossSubTitle: '&cGo slay him!'
  1. EndGameTitle EnableEndTitle: true EndGameTitle: '&aCongratulations' EndGameSubTitle: 'Team %TEAM% &fWIN!'
  1. NexusTitle EnableNexusTitle: true NexusZnicenTitle: 'Player %KILLER% &rthe team &r%TEAM%' NexusZnicenSubTitle: 'destroyed &r%ZNICEN% Nexus&r!'
  1. PhaseTitle EnablePhaseTitle: true PhaseTitle: 'Phase &e%PHASE%' PhaseSubTitle: 'Start!'
  1. %PHASE% %TIME% %MAP% EnableTab: true Header: '&7Map: &e%MAP%' Voting: '&7Voting' Footer: '&aPhase &e%PHASE% &7&l| &b%TIME%'
  1. ScoreBoard LobbySB: '&aVoting &7| &e/vote <ID>' GameSB: '&6&l%MAP%'
  1. Nastaveni menu
  2. TEAM
  3. Item JoinItemTeamName: '&eTeam menu' ItemTeamID: 340 JoinItemTeamSlot: 1
  4. Menu JoinItemTeamName: '&eTeam menu' TeamSlotMenu: 9
  5. Teams Slot YellowSlot: 2 RedSlot: 4 GreenSlot: 6 BlueSlot: 8
  6. Teams name YellowName: '&eYellow' RedName: '&cRed' GreenName: '&aGreen' BlueName: '&9Blue'
  7. Teams Lore VARIABLE: "»" - %SIPKA% YellowLore: '&e%SIPKA% &7Players: &e%YELLOW%' RedLore: '&c%SIPKA% &7Players: &c%RED%' GreenLore: '&a%SIPKA% &7Players: &a%GREEN%' BlueLore: '&9%SIPKA% &7Players: &9%BLUE%'
  1. CLASS
  2. Menu TitleClassMenu: '&0&l&nClass selection'
  3. Item JoinItemClassName: '&bClass selection' JoinItemClassSlot: 2 ItemClassID: 288
  1. Chat VARIABLE: %color% - Color Team LobbyChat: '&8[&5Lobby&8]' AllChat: '&8[%color%All&8]' TeamChat: '&8[%color%Team&8]' DeadChat: '&8[&cUmrel&8]' ChatEnd: '&3&l>'
  1. XP KillXP: 5 KillBossXP: 20
  1. Command for reset commandsToRunAtEndGame: - "anniwr"
  1. BOSS SETING Boss-loot: Item-Nb: 6 Item0:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack

type: DIAMOND_HELMET meta:

: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: 1 OXYGEN: 3 display-name: 'Oxyger I' lore: - '§7This is Oxyger I!' repair-cost: 4 Item1:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack

type: DIAMOND_HELMET meta:

: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: 4 OXYGEN: 3 display-name: 'Oxyger II' lore: - '§7You can be a diver!' - '§5 + protection 4!' repair-cost: 4 Item2:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack


: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: 4 display-name: 'Anti sharp' lore: - '§7You don't get hurt!' repair-cost: 2 Item3:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack

type: DIAMOND_BOOTS meta:

: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: 2 PROTECTION_FALL: 4 display-name: 'Fall Boots' lore: - '§7It's best with Jumper class!!' repair-cost: 2 Item4:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack

type: BOW meta:

: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: ARROW_INFINITE: 1 display-name: 'Infinity Bow' lore: - '§7You can get only one arrow!' repair-cost: 4 Item5:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack

type: DIAMOND_SWORD meta:

: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: DAMAGE_ALL: 3 display-name: 'Bloody Sword' lore: - '§7Wooooooow!' repair-cost: 2 Item6:

: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack


: ItemMeta

meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL: 4 display-name: 'Troll plate' lore: - '§7This is so cool chestplate!' repair-cost: 2