

#Radio Transmission format
radio-format: '&2[&6%FREQ.%CODE&7%SUFFIX&2]&e%SENDER&f: %MESSAGE'
#Tower Member receive format
broadcast-format: '&2[&6%LINKID&2]&e%SENDER&f: %MESSAGE'
#band name, this doesn't affect anything, its only used in the message format.
radio-suffix: rHz
#if we manage local chat, and its restricted how far does it reach?
chat-distance: 32.0
#how far does radio chat reach
radio-distance: 96.0
#Does AMChat manage local chat? (AKA chat that isn't sent via radios)
#If you want this to work with another plugin set this to false
manage-local: true
#Should we enforce the chat-distance limit when players communicate normally?
#If manage-local is false this doesn't do anything
chat-limited: true
#Should we enfoce the radio-distance limit when players communicate with radios?
radio-limited: true
#Is Skyway effect enabled?
#NOTE:Doesn't do anything at the moment.
enable-skywave: false
#How far should we boost the radio chat distance when skywave is in effect?
skywave-mod: 2.0

#Lowest frequency users can select
#note: does not apply to /ops or players with permission
radio-min: 32
#Highest frequency users can select
#note: does not apply to /ops or players with permission
radio-max: 512
#How wide of a cutoff can a player set their radio to?
#note: does not apply to /ops or players with permission
radio-cutoff-max: 15
#Whats the highest encryption code a player can use?
#note: does not apply to /ops or players with permission
radio-code-max: 999

#When a player joins for the first time we want to set them to a common channel
#This also is used when a player types /am home
radio-default-channel: 64
#When a player joins the server and they do not have a saved profile should we automatically turn on their radio?
radio-auto-on: true
#What item do we want to use as our radio?(345:Compass is the default)
radio-item-id: 345
#Is this item required use the radio or perform /am or /xm commands?
radio-item-required: false

#Fixed Radio Settings
#For each Iron Fence we increase the range by the antenna-range-mod
#By default he base radio also has this bonus to the range
antenna-range-mod: 10.0
#User plugin blocks
#Iron blocks add 1 user capacity by default
antenna-user-mod-iron: 1
#Gold blocks add 3 user capacity by default
antenna-user-mod-gold: 3
#Diamond blocks add 1 user capacity by default
antenna-user-mod-diamond: 7

#How many ticks between tower checks, 20 = every 1 second
#This effects sign updates, tower ability updates
antenna-tick-rate: 20
#How often should we save the fixed radio database to file?
#Default is 600000ms which is every 10 minutes
save-interval: 600000
#What is the maximum height we can build a fixed radio site at?
#This is the height we also stop checking for radio blocks.(antenna, user blocks)
antenna-max-height: 254


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