Action Bar Health

Actionbar Health:

This plugins lets you see the damage you just caused to a mob or player, and how much health it has left.

Commands: - /ActionHealth reload This command allows you to reload the config

- /ActionHealth toggle Disables or enables sending health messages


# The message the player is sent.
# {name} shows the name of the mob or player.
# {health} shows current health of the mob or player.
# {maxhealth} shows the max health of the mob or player.
# {usestyle} will use the defined chars.
# {damager_health} get the current health of the damager.
# {damager_max} get the max health of the damager.

Health Message: '&6&l{name}: &a&l{health} / {maxhealth}'

# If enabled players with the permission 'ActionHealth.Health' will only see the action health message.

Use Permissions: false

# If set to false player will not see health messages from mobs.

Show Mob: true

# If set to false player will not see health messages from other players.

Show Player: true

# If set to true player will get the message in a delay to get 100% accurate health. Useful for plugins that add damage by reading item lore.
# This also uses more resources :(

Delay Message: false

# Style Health
Full Health Icon: "&4\u2764"
Half Health Icon: "&c\u2764"
Empty Health Icon: "&7\u2764"

# Set names. Case sensitive!
Name Change: false
- Cow = Kuh

# ActionHealth will be disabled for any world names added below. Case sensitive!
Disabled worlds:
- randomworld

# Disable ActionHealth in regions where PvP is denied.
Region PvP: true

# When set to true and style health is enabled this will limit the health symbols to 10.
# Currently not supporting 'Half Health Icon'
Limit Health: false


- ActionHealth.Reload Permission for /AHReload

- ActionHealth.Health This will send the player the health message only if 'Use Permission' is enabled in the config.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 22, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 16, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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