Drug Dealer

Bored? Tired? Want more out of life?

Then you need drugs!

-- Please note --

I am in the process of updating much of the documentation for this plugin at the moment, as the recent 3.0 update changed most of how Drug Dealer works. Be aware that some of the information on this page may still be outdated, and not relevant to the recent changes that Drug Dealer has undergone.

Amaze your friends and scare your brain with all the drugs you could ever need! Completely customizable, user-created drugs using Drug Dealer's unique custom-drug mechanic creates a customized experience for every server, and indeed, every player.

You can implement Drug Dealer into real, survival-style Minecraft gameplay! Any item you want can be made to give absolutely any number of any potion effects upon consumption, even a block! You can literally create any kind of drug you want -- there's absolutely nothing stopping you from creating a two-week long, high-inducing, FoV-warping super-narcotic called Pony that's fueled by diamonds. The only limit is your imagination, and even that won't be enough after even 10 minutes with Drug Dealer.


  • Create an infinite amount of custom drugs, each and every one amazingly customizable!
  • Assign any number of insanely-customizable potion effects to any drug you create!
  • Sound effects! Choose which drugs to give sound to or not!
  • Drug messaging! Send a user a message when he/she consumes a drug, color codes and line breaks supported!
  • Precise control over every drug you create, with each drug having its own permission node!
  • Hours of entertainment and a gameplay mechanic that provides a unique feeling for any server running Drug Dealer!


/drugdealer or /dd - Plugin info and version number
/drugdealer reload or /dd reload - Reload the plugin and configuration file

Configuration/Custom-drug help:

Please see the configuration help page.


Please see the permissions help page.

User Videos:

Currently without a video of Drug Dealer after the recent update. I'd gladly place any videos made about the plugin here on the main page should any be made.


Drug Dealer uses the metrics data tracker, which submits lightweight, anonymous data to the metrics website, like how many times my plugin has been started and how many people are using it. If you want to disable this harmless feature, you may set "opt-out" to "true" in the "PluginMetrics" folder of your plugin directory.

Drug Dealer Servers

To-do list:
  1. Looking for suggestions

  • None at the moment :)

I spend literally 90% of the time I develop plugins just bug fixing and adding failsafes to every scenario I can think of. I try as hard as I can to make sure my plugins never have any bugs, and they go through rigorous testing before every release. That being said, if there's anything I missed, please let me know.

I'm also completely open to suggestions and ideas on what I can improve on and what just plain sucks, so please don't hesitate to speak your mind.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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