

Want a simple way of promoting people who read the rules? This plugin is what you need! Just hide a password somewhere in the rules, and when players find it, they can promote themselves using a simple command! This also helps getting rid of griefers.


  • Make users able to promote themselves.
  • Setup a group per password.
  • Add config in game. (no need to edit config file!)
  • Block the password in chat and optionally kick/ban the player

Why use this plugin?

Not because it looks better, but because it is so lite!
Look at the file size: 9kb. This plugin won't lag your server, If you compare it to others, this plugin is the most lightweight.


/apadd group password ==> Adds a new possible password linked to a group.
/aprem password ==> Removes a password.
/aplist ==> Displays a list of passwords and their corresponding groups.
/ap password ==> This is what users should do when they find the password.


Add this for your guests/users : AutoPromote.user
To use the administrative commands, add : AutoPromote.admin

Plugin Metrics

This plugin uses PluginMetrics to get this data: (click the image to see more information) AutoPromote Plugin Metrics

If you like what I'm doing. Consider donating :) Please use the donate button in the top right.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Oct 30, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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