Want a simple way of promoting people who read the rules? This plugin is what you need! Just hide a password somewhere in the rules, and when players find it, they can promote themselves using a simple command! This also helps getting rid of griefers.
- Make users able to promote themselves.
- Setup a group per password.
- Add config in game. (no need to edit config file!)
- Block the password in chat and optionally kick/ban the player
Why use this plugin?
Not because it looks better, but because it is so lite!
Look at the file size: 9kb. This plugin won't lag your server, If you compare it to others, this plugin is the most lightweight.
/apadd group password ==> Adds a new possible password linked to a group.
/aprem password ==> Removes a password.
/aplist ==> Displays a list of passwords and their corresponding groups.
/ap password ==> This is what users should do when they find the password.
Add this for your guests/users : AutoPromote.user
To use the administrative commands, add : AutoPromote.admin
Plugin Metrics
This plugin uses PluginMetrics to get this data: (click the image to see more information)
If you like what I'm doing. Consider donating :) Please use the donate button in the top right.
hey can you update on 1.9.2 ?
I totally agree with you Turbo! Please, please get us a new one!!!
Please do! :)
Hmm. I should really revamp this plugin! Getting started on that right now :)
The old Version v1.02 works fine for 1.8 and 1.7.10. Only kick must set to false, this spams the console. The new v2.0 dosen't works and say no group found. The config are generatet empty. The Syntax for the old version are: /apadd password;group
Doesn't Work with BukkitPermissions Groups :(.
How do you make it kick players and block the password in the chat? There are absolutely no instructions for this and it doesn't appear to do it automatically.
I didn't know a user can be in 2 groups. I will patch that problem as soon as possible.
It appears to work with permissionsEX. but it adds the user to the new group while keeping them in the old group. so they end up in both,
help me :(
It doesnt work for me with PermissionsEX. If the Users use /Ap Password it says "You have been promoted!" but they are still in the default group, how can I fix that?
PermissionsEX should work fine with this plugin.EDIT: It does not work!You know what would be really cool?
PermissionsEX support! :D
That's normal. They should still be added. I fixed that issue in the next version.
Due to the demand, I am rewriting this plugin at this moment. Should be finished at the end of the day.
EDIT: The update is waiting for approval!
I cant add passwords, I enter the password:group it keeps telling me /apadd [password:group]
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for making this awesome plugin! :D
You should add the autopromote TIME in. that would be golden
Someone want to have the download Groupmanager Msg me ;)