Commands & Permissions

[] = required arg, () = optional arg, * = can be abbreviated (just the beginning)

General CommandsDescriptionPermission NodeWithout Permissions
/tc (pagenumber)Displays the commands you have permission to use.templecraft.tcPlayer
/tc newgame [templename] (gametype)Creates a new game.templecraft.newgameOp
/tc join (gamename)*Join an open game in lobby (or specific game).templecraft.joinOp
/tc rename [temple] [templename]Rename [temple] to [templename].templecraft.renametempleOp
/tc leaveLeave current Game.templecraft.leavePlayer
/tc readyLists who is ready.templecraft.readyPlayer
/tc setmaxplayers [number]Sets the max number of players per gametemplecraft.setmaxplayersOp
/tc findsigblocks [radius]Find significant blocks (like signs and gold/iron/diamond/bedrock)templecraft.findsigblocksOp
/tc worldtotemple [templename]Makes a copy of the current world as a temple.templecraft.worldtotempleOp
/tc converttemplesLoads/Saves all temples (was created for converting .tcf files quickly).templecraft.converttemplesOp

Edit CommandsDescriptionPermission NodeWithout Permissions
N/AGives permission for all of the nodes bellowtemplecraft.editallOp
N/AGives permission to place TC signstemplecraft.placesignsOp
/tc new [templename]Creates a new Temple.templecraft.newtemplePlayer
/tc edit [templename]Edit a Temple.templecraft.edittemplePlayer
/tc delete [templename]Delete a Temple.templecraft.deletetempleOp
/tc saveSave the current Temple.templecraft.savetemplePlayer
/tc add [playername]*Gives player permission to edit Temple.templecraft.addplayerPlayer
/tc remove [playername]*Removes permission from player to edit Temple.templecraft.removeplayerPlayer
/tc tlistLists all Temples.templecraft.templelistPlayer
/tc glistLists all Games.templecraft.gamelistPlayer
/tc plistLists all players in Temples.templecraft.playerlistPlayer


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