How To Import a Temple

A temple is basically a world folder that contains an extra file used for storing significant blocks, and possibly an extra file used for customized chunk generation.

  1. Take the temple or world folder you wish to import and drag it into the /plugins/TempleCraft/SavedTemples/ folder
  2. Start the server
  3. Use /tc edit [templename] to edit the temple, where [templename] is the name of the folder. You should see the temple using /tc tlist (does not support spaces)
  4. Type /tc save to save the temple
    If the significant blocks were stored correctly, you will be notified that the temple "is now Setup". Skip the rest, you're done.
  5. Otherwise, type /tc findsigblocks [radius], where radius is how many blocks you want to check centered from your location.
    Choosing a radius of up to 300 should be fine. If you have a REALLY large temple, you can use the command multiple times or test the limits of your server with larger numbers at your own risk. Note: It will only tell you the blocks which it does not already have stored. If nothing comes up, all the blocks which are in the specified location have already been loaded.

/tc findsigblocks

Theoretically, sharing a temple should be as easy as dragging and dropping. Unfortunately, there are still some bugs having to do with saving the locations of significant blocks (such as signs, iron blocks, gold blocks, diamond blocks, bedrock, etc.). Because of this, I have added a command called /tc findsigblocks [radius] which searches for significant blocks and re-saves them in the event that they were not loaded properly. This is the main bug that may come with importing a temple.


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