Residence Limits

Residence Limits

This plugin allows for a few simple restriction checks when someone creates a residence. Currently Residence allows for per group maximum residence sizes, but doesn't limit the minimum size a player can make allowing for small residences to be created and used as an exploit with flags.


  • Restrict residence minimum size by simple directions:
    • The X direction (East / West)
    • The Y direction (Up/Down)
    • The Z direction (North/South)
  • Restrict residence minimum size by blocks in plane:
    • The XZ plane (Flat Ground Size, most common)
    • The XY plane (Vertical Plane East / West)
    • The YZ plane (Vertical Plane North / South)
  • Restrict residence minimum size by total overall size



None. Simply set your values up in the config and your done


  • resLim.override : lets the group or user ignore the minimum set restrictions when creating residences.


Put the file in your plugins folder and start/restart server to generate the default config file. You can also simply copy this into a config.yml file and put it into a plugin folder name "ResidenceLimits"

Global:   res_x_limit: 16   use_x_limit: true   res_y_limit: 5   use_y_limit: true   res_z_limit: 16   use_z_limit: true   res_xz_limit: 50   use_xz_limit: false   res_xy_limit: 1   use_xy_limit: false   res_yz_limit: 1   use_yz_limit: false   res_total_size: 25   use_total_size: false

Setup / Usage

To require a minimum say in the X direction you would need to specify "resxlimit" to be that minimum number. If you want the plugin to actually use this direction (or plane/ size in the other cases) you need to set it's use flag to true, which is "usexlimit".

In the above example the X, Y, Z limits are 16 , 5 , 16 respectively and their 'use" is set to true, meaning when the plugin goes to check for direction values upon someone attempting to create a residence it will make sure that the minimum in each of those directions is at least the amount set in the config.

For the planes and total size these are simply the combined (multiplied) size of the two sides (or all 3 in the total size) in the plane. So if the "resxzlimit" is set to say 40 and it's "use" is set to true then as long as the X and Z directions multiplied have greater than 40 it should pass the minimum.

Future Ideas

-Add restrictions for 1 or more residences that can have subzones bought from. (IE You have a large residence set as the main residence and you want to restrict the amount of subzones purchased / owned to a set amount)
-Post in the ticket section and see if I add it here.

Known Bugs

  • None as long as the config is setup with proper values (Numbers for limits and a true/false for usage)


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 3, 2012
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