
Automatically refill chests with randomly generated items


  • KBPL
    • If the version in the title is higher than the one on the 'recent files' list, then you will have to wait until bukkit approves the latest version since KBPL could be updated and have code that does not work with previous versions of the plugin.

What it does:
The title pretty much says it all! But to be a bit more detailed, Loot makes it easy to create chests with randomly generated loot. The best part? No commands. Oh did I mention that it adds random enchantments to armor and weapons and can spawn random potions? Yeah, that too. Its the perfect loot generator for custom dungeons and worlds with randomly generated schematics.


  • Automatic Chest Regeneration Refills chests automatically using a list of items that you configure.
  • Enchantments You can configure whether loot chests will spawn items with random enchantments, or you can specify the enchantments yourself.
  • Potion Effects Same as the enchantments, but with potions.
  • Item naming Specify a name for the items spawned in a chest! You can also configure the plugin to let it add a random preffix/suffix to enchanted items, dependent of the enchantments applied.
  • Lore Add lore to any item for that true rpg feel!
  • Books You can set the title, author and text of books generated!
  • Colors You can set the colors of the names/lore/whatever of each item.
  • Randomness A lot of the properties of any item can be randomized, including the enchantments applied, name, amount, data value, chance for it to spawn at all, etc.
  • Redstone Force a chest to reset by powering the sign!
  • Uses Soulbound You can download the soulbound plugin for added functionality! Visit the plugin page here.

How it works:

Important Notes:

  • Requires KBPL
  • The way bukkit names effects is different than the default minecraft effects, so here are some tables of the names you should use on the config file:
    Potion Types
  • You can find the color codes here.


  • loot.sign.create - Lets you create Loot signs.
  • loot.sign.break - Lets you break Loot signs.
  • loot.command.name - Ability to use the command /loot name
  • loot.command.reload - Ability to use the command /loot reload
  • loot.list.x - Permission to open loot chests of x list

Requesting new features:
If this plugin is missing that certain special feature, bribe me and I will gladly work on it!
While I am updating and squashing bugs for free, working on new features requires time and everyone knows that time equals money. I am however, open to suggestions that are directly related and crucial to the plugin.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 17, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 25, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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