
ExtraFluffy is a Bukkit (Minecraft server) plugin allowing you to increase the number of items dropped by mobs.

Sheep can be fluffier, yielding more wool per shear. Slimes can be slimier, dropping slime balls every time they split. Dying mobs of all types can drop extra items.

Basic usage

Once installed and configured, ExtraFluffy detects whenever a mob drops an item. It then adds the extra items specified by the config, essentially giving you full control over the loot tables.

Why do this?

Boosting mob drops is one way to encourage players to keep fewer farm animals. Fewer entities generally means improved server performance.

But wait, there's more!

You can also do some creative things with this plugin. Dying mobs can drop any item, even if they don't normally drop it. Examples:

  • Give ocelots a chance to drop a raw fish. This could be a nice alternate way of obtaining fish when lag makes it impossible to use a fishing rod.

  • Give ghasts a chance to drop glowstone dust. This could be handy for large servers with a nether that's been stripped clean of natural glowstone.

  • Give silverfish a chance to drop a monster egg or two. Players could then essentially breed silverfish by fighting them. Players could also use the silverfish eggs for dispenser traps in their base.


Works exactly the same as any other Bukkit plugin:

  1. Get the latest jar. You can either:

  2. Stick the jar in your CraftBukkit server's plugins directory.

  3. Start the server. This will create plugins/ExtraFluffy/config.yml. Documentation is included in the config file itself.

  4. Edit the config file to your heart's content.

  5. Restart the server for the updated config to take effect. If you're on a test server or if you just like living dangerously, use Bukkit's /reload command instead of a full restart.

Please report bugs, or any other feedback, via GitHub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 28, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 30, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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