
Tired of people stealing your lava pit trashcan? Are chests and similar contraptions taking up too much space in your hutt? Here's the simple solution: a Disposal Sign. Create a DisposalSign - right-click the DisposalSign like you would any chest and dump your trash in the sign. Close the window and poof it's all gone. Couldnt be simpler.

Check the "Guide & Pictures" page for a visual experience :)


  • Ultra simple sign design
  • Multiple keywords for creation
  • Personal / Shared or Global DisposalSigns available
  • Permissions allows full control of who can create which types of Disposal Signs (/op overrules)

Sign types:

  • Personal - only accessible by the person who created the sign
  • Shared - share your personal DisposalSign with up to two friends - all others are denied access.
  • Global - anyone can access and use these DisposalSigns


  • disposalsign.create.personal - allows creation of Personal DisposalSigns.
  • disposalsign.create.friends - allows creation of Shared DisposalSigns.
  • disposalsign.create.any - allows creation of all three DisposalSign types.

"Alright - this sounds all good and dandy but how do I create these signs?" Simply input any of the keywords in brackets on the second line of the sign.

Valid keywords are:

  • [Disposal]
  • [Garbage]
  • [Trashcan]
  • [Trash] (will reorder to display: "Trashcan")

Both "Personal" and "Shared" DisposalSigns will automatically fill in the owner's name on the first line.

Players with the "disposalsign.create.any" permission will default to "Shared" DisposalSign behaviour meaning the owner's name will be filled on the first sign line. Since the "any" permission also serves as sort of an admin function players with this permission or with server OP are able to manually fill in any player name on the first line to turn over ownership of the sign to that player. Creating a Global sign requires that an asterisk / star be input on the first line - this will clear all lines except the second line containing the keyword for the sign leaving the DisposalSign open for anyone to use.

If a player has at least "disposalsign.create.friends" permission the third and fourth sign lines may contain other player names who will be granted access to this DisposalSign.

DisposalSigns are not break protected and they are not stored in any way except how the game usually saves signs. When signs are created correctly the second text line on the sign containing the keyword will turn blue. A chat text message will also be displayed. For now texts are in english only.

Future? For now I'm just releasing my plugin to the public in hopes it'll bring some joy. I might add a config file that could allow changes to the three major keywords and maybe even add some localization later on. But I'll let the community decide.

Version: 1.0.21 - first release. This is my first plugin ever. Tested on CraftBukkit 1.2.5 R5 and 1.3.1. Permissions plugin: PEX 1.19.3 (I havnt tested against other Permission plugins so please let me know if it doesnt work) (SourceCode included in the jar)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 3, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 19, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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