Setting up ranks

Setting up ranks!

How to setup ranks:

In your server/plugins/useful directory there will be a file called ranks.yml. You need to open this file to manage ranks. It must be opened in a
YML editor (You can use notepad but it will be more difficult), I personally use notetab ( In there you will need a default rank set like so:

    permission: uranks.default
    prefix: '&a[Player]&f*name*&f'

If you do not want default users to have a rank then simply set the prefix to:

    prefix: '*name*'

You now have a simple rank!
You can customise the permission for the rank to anything of your choice. The &f and &a bits are minecraft color codes. If you don't know what they are then visit this page
Now if you would like a second rank you can simply copy paste it below and edit it.

    permission: uranks.default
    prefix: '&a[Player]&f*name*&f'
    prefix: '&3&l[Developer]&r&6*name*&f'

This will give us a rank called default and one called developer. You must have a rank called default setup as it will fall back on it if they don't have the required permissions for anything else (They don't even need uranks.default...).

Permissions setup IMPORTANT

You will need to give the users the permission for the rank they should be. However you will also have to deny(set to false) them the permissions for the ranks they are not if you use inherited permissions on permissionsBukkit (Alternatively go into your server config and enable uperms as this is the useful plugin's own permission manager) or something. If you do not do this then the user's rank may be registered as something-not-what-it-should-be. To be safe I would personally deny all of the other ranks permissions for that player/group.


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