
All commands have an alias that is the same as the command prefixed with 'uhc'. e.g. /heal becomes /uhcheal. All commands have tab completion to help with syntax

Scatter Players


Starts an interactive scatter prompt that asks for the individual options

Related Permissions:

UHC.scatteropAllows use of the command

/scatter typeID yes/no radius[:mindist] world:[x,z] */player1 player2 player3

Scatters the players specified with the parameters specified

typeIDRandomCircleThe ID of the scatter type to use. RandomCircle scatters people within a circle, see scatter types for more info
true/falsetrueWhether to scatter people as teams or not
radius[:mindist]1000:50Radius of the scatter with optional minimum distance between players
world:[x,z]publicuhc:100,200the world to scatter into with the optional centre coordinates (default is spawnpoint), example scatters into the world 'publicuhc' around 100,200
*/player1 player2 player3ghowden Loryen* will scatter all online players, otherwise will scatter the list of players specified

Related Permissions:

UHC.scatteropAllows use of the command

Scatter players using defaults

/scatter default

Scatters players using the defaults from the config file

Related Permissions:

UHC.scatteropAllows use of the command

List scatter types

/scatter types

Shows a list of the scatter types, by default the types are:

RandomCircleRandom locations within the specified circle
RandomSquareRandom location within a square of sides 2*radius centred on the centre coords
EvenCircleLocations evenly spread along the border of the circle, ignores mindist

Related Permissions:

UHC.scatteropAllows use of the command

Heal Players

/heal [playerName/*]

Heals the player playerName to full health or all players if '*' is specified. If no name specified heals yourself

Related Permissions:

UHC.heal.selffalseAllows just /heal to heal yourself
UHC.heal.otherfalseAllows /heal to heal any player
UHC.heal.allfalseAllows /heal * to heal everyone
UHC.heal.announcefalseTells the player whenever a /heal command is used
UHC.heal.*opGives the player all above permissions

Feed Players

/feed [playerName/*]

Heals the player playerName to full hunger or all players if '*' is specified. If no name specified feeds yourself

Related Permissions:

UHC.feed.selffalseAllows just /feed to feed yourself
UHC.feed.otherfalseAllows /feed to feed any player
UHC.feed.allfalseAllows /feed * to feed everyone
UHC.feed.announcefalseTells the player whenever a /feed command is used
UHC.feed.*opGives the player all above permissions

Clear inventories

/ci [*/player1 player2 player3]

Clears the inventory of all the players specified or all playes if '*'. If no players specified clears your own inventory

Heals the player playerName to full health or all players if '*' is specified. If no name specified heals yourself

Related Permissions:

PermissionDefaultEffect you to use /ci to clear your own inventory youto use /ci */playername to clear other inventories*opGives above permissions to /ci commands

Generate borders

/generateborder radius world[:x,z] typeID[:blockid:meta]

Generates a border of the type/block specifed in the world specified. WorldEdit must be installed for this to work correctly.

radius1000The radius the border will generate at
world[:x,z]publicuhc:100,200The world and optional centre coordinates to generate at, example will generate in the world 'publicuhc' centred on 100,200
typeID[:blockid:meta]Cylinder:1,0The border type (see border types for more info) and the option blockid/damage value to use, example creates a stone circular border, if no block id is specified uses the value from the config file

Related Permissions:

UHC.generateborderopAllows you to use border generation commands

Undo border generation

/generateborder undo [world]

Undoes the last border generation for the world you are in or the world specified. Only keeps history until the server is reloaded/restarted. Requires WorldEdit to be installed to work.

UHC.generateborderopAllows you to use border generation commands

List border types

/generateborder types

Gives a list of available types of borders to create, current options are:

- Cylinder = creates a cylinder wall centered on the coordinates with the radius specified

- Square = creates a square wall centered on the coordinates with side length radius*2

- Roof = creates a circular 'roof' of blocks 1 thick at build height centered on the coordinates with the radius specified

NOTE: Border generation commands require WorldEdit to be installed

UHC.generateborderopAllows you to use border generation commands

Freeze Players


Toggle 'freeze' status for all players. Freezing gives a player all the potion effects from the config file. Doing /freeze again unfreezes all players (takes a little bit for potions to wear off).

UHC.freeze.commandopAllows you to use /freeze
UHC.freeze.antifreezefalseMakes you immune to freeze effects

TP all players

/tpp players playername OR /tpp players x,y,z[,worldname]

Will tp all of the specified players to a specific player or location given. Works across worlds.

players*TPs all players online
playersghowden LoryenTPs the list of space separated players (Example will TP ghowden and Loryen
playernameghowdenThe player to TP to, example TPs people to ghowden
x,y,z[,worldname]0,100,0,publicuhcThe coordinates to TP to and the optional world name, if no world specified uses the world you are in.
UHC.tpallopAllows you to use /tpp commands

List all features

/feature list

Lists all of the loaded features in the plugin and their statuses

UHC.feature.listtrueAllows you to use list loaded features

Toggle Features

/feature toggle feature_id

Toggles the state of the feature 'feature_id' (found with /feature list)

feature_idPlayerListToggles the enabled state of the feature given, example will turn off the PlayerList feature if it is enabled, otherwise will turn it on

Random Teams

/randomteams number_of_teams [worldname]

Put players randomly in the number of teams specified. People already in teams are ignored, use /emptyteams /clearteams or /leaveteam to remove people from teams if needed before random teaming. Uses the first empty UHCx team or creates a new UHCx team if none exists.

number_of_teams5The number of teams to put people into. Splits people evenly as possible in to the teams, must be less than the amount of people to put into teams
[worldname]publicuhcOption world name, only people in this world will be put into teams
UHC.teams.randomopAllows you to use /randomteams

Clear Teams

/clearteams [all]

Clears all teams (removes the team and tells players they were removed from the team).

[all]allIf the world 'all' is placed here it will clear all teams on the server otherwise will only clear UHCx teams
UHC.teams.clearopAllows you to use /clearteams

Empty Teams

/emptyteams [all]

Empties all teams (removes all players from the team).

[all]allIf the world 'all' is placed here it will empty all teams on the server otherwise will only clear UHCx teams
UHC.teams.emptyopAllows you to use /emptyteams

List Teams

/listteams [team_name]

Lists players in the team specified or in all if none specified

[team_name]UHC0Option team to list, if not given will list all teams
UHC.teams.listtrueAllows you to use /listteams

Join Team

/jointeam team_id [playername]

Makes the player join the team or yourself if no player specified

team_idUHC0The name of the team to join (The ID of the team, not it's display name)
[playername]ghowdenOptional player to force to join the team, if not specified you join it yourself
UHC.teams.join.UHCtrueAllows you to join UHCx teams
UHC.teams.join.alltrueAllows you to join any team
UHC.teams.join.otheropAllows you to use the playername parameter to force someone to join a team

Leave Team

/leaveteam [playername]

Makes the player leave the team or yourself if no player specified

[playername]ghowdenOptional player to force leave their team, if not specified you leave your own
UHC.teams.leave.selftrueAllows you to leave your team
UHC.teams.leave.otheropAllows you to use the playername parameter to remove someone else from a team

Create Team

/createteam [team_id]

Creates the team with the ID given or a UHCx ID if none is supplied. Team will have a randomly generated name.

[team_id]UHC9The option ID for the team to have
UHC.teams.createopAllows you to use /createteam

Remove Team

/removeteam team_id

Removes the team with the ID

team_idUHC9The ID for the team to remove
UHC.teams.remove.UHCopAllows you to use /removeteam on a UHCx team
UHC.teams.remove.allopAllows you to remove any team

Deathban Ban

/deathban ban playername time

Bans the player for the time specified.

playernameghowdenThe player to ban, doesn't have to be online
time2h30mThe time to ban for in the format xdxhxmxs for days, hours, mins, seconds e.t.c. works for years/months/weeks too. Putting 'infinite' here will ban someone forever
UHC.deathban.banopAllows you to use /deathban ban command

Deathban Unban

/deathban unban playername

Removes all deathbans for the player specified.

playernameghowdenThe player to unban
UHC.deathban.unbanopAllows you to use /deathban unban command

Give Drops

/givedrops groupname */player1 player2 player3

Gives the items in the group 'groupname' to the players. The items are from the death drops configuration, it ignores all %chances given from the profile but adheres to the amount value supplied, all supplied items with the same group name will be given. Tries to give the player the item and if not enough space it will drop the item at their head height.

itemgroupexample1Will give the items called example1 in the config file from deathdrops
*/player1 player2 player3ghowden LoryenThe players to give the items to, if * is specified gives to all players
UHC.givedropsopAllows you to use /givedrops command


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