Teleport Blocks

Teleport Blocks

Teleport Blocks

//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" alt="[Teleport] Sign" title="[Teleport] Sign">
For a teleport block to work it must have a [Teleport] sign beneath it. A teleport sign has the following configuration:
Line 1: [Teleport]
Line 2: (x)
Line 3: (y)
Line 4: (z)
1) The first line tells the plugin that the sign is a teleport sign.
2) The second line is the x coordinate of the location to teleport the car to.
3) The third line is the y coordinate of the location to teleport the car to.
4) The fourth line is the z coordinate of the location to teleport the car to.

When built correctly, a finished teleport block looks like this:
Teleport sign 2