

The main config

Below is a list of where everything does in the config, if you ever mess it up; delete the config.yml and it'll be regenerated back to the defaults when you next run the server:


Enable: - Leave this set to true, it basically disabled cars...
defSpeed - The speed that cars will travel at when they haven't got any boosts, default: 30.0
effectBlocks:enable - Whether or not effect blocks are able to be used.
lowBoost - The item to use for the low boost item, by default coal. Formatted using the item format below.
medBoost - The item for the medium boost item, by default Iron. Formatted using the item format below.
highBoost - The item for the high boost item, by default diamond. Formatted using the item format below.
blockBoost - The block used for the medium boost block, by default a gold block. Formatted using the item format below.
HighBlockBoost - The block used for the high boost block, by default a diamond block. Formatted using the item format below.
ResetBlockBoost - The block used for resetting speed boosts, by default an Emerald block. Formatted using the item format below.
jumpBlock - The block used for making the car jump, by default an Iron block. Formatted using the item format below.
jumpAmount - The amount (power) the car jumps by when on a jump block. Formatted using the item format below
teleportBlock - The block used to teleport the car, by default Magenta stained clay. Formatted using the item format below.
trafficLights:enable - Whether or not to use traffic lights
trafficLights:waitingBlock - The block to use to wait at the traffic lights, by default a Quartz block. Formatted using the item format below.
hitBy:enable - Whether to turn on damage and knockback for car-entity collisions.
hitBy:enableMonsterDamage - Whether to use hitBy on mobs(true), or just Players(false).
hitBy:power - The power to knockback entities in hitBy.
hitBy:damage - The amount to damage/hurt entities in hitBy.
roadBlocks:enable - Whether or not to allow for free driving(false) or limit driving to certain blocks (true)
roadBlocks:ids - The list of blocks used for roadBlocks. Formatted using the item format below.
licenses:enable - Whether or not to use driving licenses.
fuel:enable - Whether or not to use uFuel.
fuel:price - The cost of a litre of fuel.
fuel:check - The item used to check how much fuel you have.
fuel:cmdPerm - The permission for /ufuel.
fuel:bypassPerm - The permission to bypass fuel.
fuel:items:enable - Whether to use Vault for fuel (false) or items (true).
fuel:items:ids - A list of the items to use for uFuel if items are enabled. Formatted using the item format below.
fuel:sellFuel - If players can sell their fuel, or only buy it.
barriers - A list of blocks cars can't drive over (eg. fences). Formatted using the item format below.
Speed Mods - A list of speed mods in the format 'BlockName:data-SpeedMod'.
placePerm:enable - If players need a permission to place a car.
placePerm:perm - The perm to use for car placing, if enabled.
health:... - Various settings for the health system (self explanatory).
forceRaceControlScheme - If true, will force fair speeds; else it'll only enforce them for certain vehicles (eg. MarioKart).
permissions:enable - If true, the plugin will require users have the permission to drive cars, if false; everybody can drive cars.
misc:configVersion - Don't change this, it's for internal use only.

Colour scheme:

The ucars colour scheme is done with colour formatting codes. In v10+ these can be found at and replace the " ยง" with "&". For earlier versions see:

The item format

The item format used is 'MaterialName:data' and can be set for multiple items with appending '-' in front and therefore using YAML lists.

Language (Non-English Users)

In the plugins/ucars directory there is a lang.yml file that ucars uses for all of it's messages sent to players. To modify them for your language, simply open the file and change the values. You can also download preconfigured language files on the language files page.