
## Each quest has an (String) id
  ## Active
  Active: true
  ## Type of repeat, currently only TIMES: How many times a player can do the quest
  RepeatType: TIMES
  ## Repeat value. For TIMES this is the times a quest can be done
  RepeatValue: "1"
  ## Short description of the quest.
  ShortDescription: Welcome!
  ## Intro text when the quest is being openend
  IntroText: "Welcome to TotalQuest! Go and find [22]jeb_[44]! He will give you some tutorial quests. Just jump into this pool."
  ## Completed text is the text that shows when you complete the quest
  CompletedText: ""
  ## Deliver text is the text that shows when you deliver the quest
  DeliverText: "Hey there <player>! Talk to me for some tutorial quests."
  ## Nag message is a string of text the npc will say to the player if the player is already on the quest.
  ## Multiple lines are possible. Just split the lines with a ":" (See TQ2 for an example)
  NagMessage: "Go find [22]jeb_[44]!"
  ## Deliver is when the delivery will take place
  ##   NOW: Deliver imediatly when the quest is completed
  ##   NPC: Deliver the quest at an npc (this need to be set in the npcs.yml file)
  Deliver: NPC
  ## Objectives of the quest
    ## Objective id
      ## Short description of the objective. This will show when the player checks his active quests
      ShortDescription: Jump in pool
      ## Type is the type of objective
      ## Check the documentation of each objective type to find out which variables need to be set
      Type: Location
      World: world
      X: 25
      Y: 62
      Z: 344
      Radius: 3
      ## Event can be set to fire an event when the objective is completed
      Event: TQ1
  Active: true
  RepeatType: TIMES
  RepeatValue: "1"
  ShortDescription: Tutorial 1
  IntroText: "For starters. Remove those nasty sand blocks in the entrance will ya?"
  CompletedText: "Good job!"
  DeliverText: "Here, I think you will need this."
  NagMessage: "*shoopa doopa*:*whoopa skoopaaa*:*dingely ding dong*"
  Deliver: NPC
  ## Rewards
    ## Each reward needs to start with a dash "-"
    ## Type is the type of reward.
    ## Check the documentation of each reward type to find out which variables need to be set
    - Type: SItem      
      Item: Diamond_Sword
      Amount: 1
  ## Requirements
    ## Each requirement needs to start with a dash "-"
    ## Type is the type of requirement.
    ## Check the documentation of each requirement type to find out which variables need to be set
    - Type: DoneQuest
      QuestID: TQ1
      Type: DestroyBlock
      ShortDescription: Remove the sand blocks
      Block: SAND
      Amount: 4
  Active: true
  RepeatType: TIMES
  RepeatValue: "1"
  ShortDescription: Tutorial 2
  IntroText: "Step inside and kill the pig!"
  CompletedText: That will be some nice diner!
  DeliverText: Here is a diamond for your job well done!
  NagMessage: "Still not done?:Come on, hurry up!:ZZZzzz..."
  Deliver: NPC
    - Type: DoneQuest
      QuestID: TQ2
    - Type: SItem
      Item: Diamond
      Amount: 1
      ShortDescription: Go inside
      Type: Location
      World: world
      X: 48
      Y: 83
      Z: 302
      Radius: 2
      Event: SI
      ShortDescription: Kill a pig
      Type: KillMob
      Mob: Pig
      Amount: 1
  Active: true
  RepeatType: TIMES
  RepeatValue: "1"
  ShortDescription: Tutorial 3
  IntroText: "Step inside and kill the zombie!"
  CompletedText: Thank you for saving me.
  DeliverText: You are a true hero! Take these diamonds.
  NagMessage: "11111111?:22222222!:33333333... What?!"
  Deliver: NPC
    - Type: DoneQuest
      QuestID: TQ3
    - Type: SItem
      Item: Diamond
      Amount: 5
      ShortDescription: Go inside
      Type: Location
      World: world
      X: 48
      Y: 83
      Z: 302
      Radius: 2
      Event: SI2
      ShortDescription: Kill a zombie
      Type: KillMob
      Mob: Zombie
      Amount: 2


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