shop-creation/Shop Lore Usage

As of 1.2.7 you can also add shop lore, now what this is is custom lore to the item while it is in the shop, anything not given shop lore will use the default defined in your config!

    ItemID: 272
    ItemAMT: 1
    TokenCost: 0
    Command: openTokenServer %Player% ShopName
    GiveItem: false
    ShopLore: '$4This is custom lore with color!'

Also shop lore supports multi-line lore. Demonstrated here.

    ItemID: 272
    ItemAMT: 1
    TokenCost: 0
    Command: openTokenServer %Player% ShopName
    GiveItem: false
    ShopLore: '$4This is custom lore with color! %NL% $4 and here is another line!!!'

The only reason the navigation command is in here is because that is a logical time to use custom lore. NOTE: this lore does still support the %Cost% is you so choose to use it for custom cost messages.


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