shop-creation/Adding Items to shop

In V1.1 of TokenShop the method to create shops has been changed significantly to be more visually appealing and no longer will create long config files that could potentially slow down your server restarts/reloads.

Now to create a shop go into your plugins folder then open your ShopData folder, proceed to either the folder TokenShopData or VaultShopData. TokenShopData, is the folder that will contain all Token Shops whereas VaultShopData will contain any shop you create that will be using your economy system. So once you've decided what form of shop you will be creating enter that folder and create a new file named SHOPNAME.yml where SHOPNAME is replaced with whatever you wish to be the name of your shop. (ex. Members, Voting, VIP...) Now this file will contain all information for that shop.

For Token Shops use this formatting:

    ItemID: INT
    ItemAMT: INT
    EnchantCode: na
    CustomName: na
    NameColor: na
    ItemLore: na
    TokenCost: INT
    Broadcast: na
    Command: na
    PlayerMessage: na
    GiveItem: BOOLEAN
    GiveKit: na

For examples refer to: The TokenShopExample Page.

For Vault Shops use this formatting:

    ItemID: INT
    ItemAMT: INT
    EnchantCode: na
    CustomName: na
    NameColor: na
    ItemLore: na
    Cost: INT
    Broadcast: na
    Command: na
    PlayerMessage: na
    GiveItem: BOOLEAN
    GiveKit: na

For examples refer to: The VaultShopExample page.


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