
Basic Nodes (Enough for most servers)

ticketmaster.user.basicCan create new tickets, check own tickets and close own tickets.
ideal forUsers
enabled by default?Yes
children nodesticketmaster.user.create
ticketmaster.helper.basicCan see and manage tickets with normal priority or lower, and teleport to them.
ideal forStaff
enabled by default?No
children nodesticketmaster.helper.notify

Priority Nodes

ticketmaster.priority.lowCan see and manage all tickets with low priority
ticketmaster.priority.normalCan see and manage all tickets with normal and low priorities
ticketmaster.priority.highCan see and manage all tickets with high, normal and low priorities
ticketmaster.priority.criticalCan see and manage all tickets with critical, high, normal and low priorities

Additional Nodes

ticketmaster.user.createCan create new tickets
ticketmaster.user.manageCan check, close and comment own tickets
ticketmaster.helper.notifyReceives notifications in chat when there are pending tickets to resolve
ticketmaster.helper.teleportCan use the command /ticket tp
ticketmaster.helper.statusCan change tickets statuses
ticketmaster.helper.deleteCan delete tickets
ticketmaster.reloadCan use the command /ticket reload