
• Information
/ticketShow a very basic guide of how to use the plugin, usually enough for players to get started and request help.
/ticket helpList all available commands.
/ticket check <id>Check the full information of the ticket.
/ticket list [status]List all tickets with the given status. If none status was specified, list all Pending and On Hold tickets.
/tickets [status]Alias to /ticket list [status].
• Basic Management
/ticket new <request>Submit a request for staff assistance.
/ticket close <id> [reason]Close a ticket with an optional reason.
/ticket reopen <id>Reopen a closed ticket.
/ticket claim <id>Claim a ticket
/ticket delete <id>Delete a ticket. Cannot be undone.
/ticket comment <id> <message>Attach a comment to a ticket.
/ticket tp <id>Teleport to where the ticket was created.
• Advanced Management
/ticket status <id> <status>Change a ticket status.
/ticket priority <id> <priority>Change a ticket priority.
/ticket elevate <id>Make the ticket one priority higher.
/ticket lower <id>Make the ticket one priority lower.
• Administration
/ticket reloadReload the configuration files.