
Text / Picture Tutorial:

Creating Questions and Answers:

Creating questions and answers are really easy. You can make them in any way you would like, but there is one that I find very simple. It looks like this:

You start off by creating a T out of any material. Under the top most part of the T you put 2 hallways. One hallway will be the correct answer, the other the incorrect answer. Above the hallways (on the top most part of the T), you put the possible answers (the correct answer over the correct hallway and the incorrect answer over the incorrect hallway). The question may go in the middle.

NOTE ONE: This is only an example. You do not have to make your questions look like this.

NOTE TWO: When creating the end of the test, it does not need to look like this.

Creating an Answer

Now, you have set up the question, and the answers, but nothing is going to happen. So, you have to tell TestqUiz to execute the answer when the player is going through the hallway. You should set it up like this:

When the player chooses an answer, it will walk down a hallway. As the player walks down the hallway, it will walk over the answer sign. (See next section on how to create an Answer Sign). The answer will then be executed.

Creating an Answer Sign:

Answer signs are easy to create. Line one has [TestqUiz] (this is case-sensitive). The second line is the answer, which is either Correct, Incorrect, or Finish (not case sensitive). Line three and four must be blank.

Avoiding X-Rayers:

Players with x-ray will (most likely) be able to see the answer easily unless you follow these few tips:

  • When placing an answer sign, always make sure the sign is facing in the direction the player should walk. If you do not understand what this means, look at the answer image. The sign underneath the hallway is facing in the direction the player will walk. If it were facing the other direction, x-rayers would be able to see the text on the sign, therefore seeing the answer.
  • Whether the answer is correct or incorrect, always make both answer hallways go into the next question. Do not make the correct answer hallway lead into the next question, and the incorrect hallway not. X-rayers will be able to see that the incorrect hallway ends, so they will take the other (correct hallway).


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