main/Config Setup/Messages.yml

  #PLAYERNAME is replaced with the player's name
  #Following are messages sent to the player
    Incorrect: That is INCORRECT!
    Correct: That is CORRECT!
    Finish: CONGRATULATIONS!!! You passed the test!
    #OLDGROUP is replaced with the player's old group
    #NEWGROUP is replaced with the player's new group
    Group Change: Your group has now been changed to NEWGROUP !
    #OLDAMOUNT is replaced with the player's old balance
    #NEWAMOUNT is replaced with the player's new balance
    #AMOUNT is replaced with the player's balance added
    Economy Reward: For passing the test, you have earned AMOUNT !
    Item Reward: For passing the test, you earned some items!!!
  #The following are the messages announced to the server
    Incorrect: PLAYERNAME got a wrong answer! HA!
    Kick: PLAYERNAME got kicked from the test!
    Ban: PLAYERNAME got banned from the test!
    Correct: PLAYERNAME got a correct answer! YAY!
    Finish: PLAYERNAME finished the test. CONGRADULATIONS!
  #The following are messages notified to players
    Incorrect: PLAYERNAME got a wrong answer!
    Kick: PLAYERNAME just got kicked from testing!
    Ban: PLAYERNAME just got banned for a bad test!
    Correct: PLAYERNAME got a correct answer!
    Finish: PLAYERNAME finished the test!
  #The following are messages logged to the console
    Incorrect: PLAYERNAME got a question incorrect!
    Kick: PLAYERNAME got kicked!
    Ban: PLAYERNAME got banned from the test!
    Correct: PLAYERNAME got a question correct!
    Finish: PLAYERNAME finished the test!