tutorial/The Chat Panel

Previous tutorial: The Home Panel

The chat panel is an area where you can chat with your currently online players!

The chat area is colored and shows the prefixes/suffixes/whatever. If you want to be able to see the chat, you'll need to add the permission "skylink.client.chat.see". It can be added with

/skylink perms add user <user> skylink.client.chat.see

If you want to be able to use the chat, you'll need to add the permission "skylink.client.chat.use". It can be added with

/skylink perms add user <user> skylink.client.chat.use

The chatting area supports color codes. For example, if you type "&6Test", it will send a gold-colored message to your server. In order to send colored messages, you will need the permission "skylink.client.chat.color". It can be added with

/skylink perms add user <user> skylink.client.chat.color

You can also send commands! You will need the permission "skylink.client.chat.cmd" in order to send commands, though. It can be added with

/skylink perms add user <user> skylink.client.chat.cmd

Next tutorial: The Console Panel