tutorial/Creating accounts

Previous tutorial: Setting up SkyLink

Now that we've set up SkyLink, let's go ahead and create our accounts.

  1. Type /skylink create [name] <password>
    If you used this command as a player, the name field is not required.
    Note: The passsword is encrypted

Alright, so now we have an account. But it can't really do much without the proper permissions, can it? So here are a few ways to add permissions:

  1. Log in and log out with your account. Go to your plugins folder and open the SkyLink folder. Then open "Permissions" and open up your account file. It should be called "<name>.txt", so if I had an account called "Test", the file would be "Test.txt". Set the account to op if you want, and then look at the place that says "start perm". Between that and "end perm", add new permission nodes like "permission.node: true". Here's an example:
    group: default
    op: true
    start perm
    skylink.client.chat.use: true
    skylink.client.chat.see: true
    end perm

Note: This tutorial will be updated later to include permissions.

And it should be done!

Next tutorial: Tutorial / Connecting to SkyLink