

To create a faction use "/fcreate". New members can be invited with "/finvite". Use "/faccept" and "/fdecline" to accept or decline faction invitations. To leave the faction use "/factionquit". Troublemakers can be kicked by using "/fkick".


Only factions can take part in pvp.


Every settlement that has a TownSquare can be claimed by a faction. To claim a settlement faction members must hold the TownSquare for a certain amount of time. When no members remain, claim progress will decrease over time. To abandon a settlement use /funclaim. The total number of available claims increases with time.


Use "/fsetrank" to assign a rank to a member. Each rank gives certain attribute bonuses. The amount of available ranks increases when the faction claims settlements that have certain buildings. Ranks also determine which commands are permitted. Some abilities are only available to certain ranks.


Once the faction is formed, members gain access to faction chat "/f".


Faction colours can be customised with "/fsetcolor1" and "/fsetcolor2".


To rename the faction use "/frename".


Faction spawn can be set with "/fsetspawn". Use "/fspawn" to teleport to the faction spawn point.


Factions can form alliances. Allied factions share faction chat and can't attack each other. An alliance request can be requested with "/frequestally". Alliance requests can be accepted and declined with /facceptally" and /fdeclineally". An alliance can be broken with "/fremoveally".


All faction members can use "/sspawn settle_name" command for claimed settlements. The command is not available when the settlement is being claimed by a rival faction.


Members get paid daily wages, based on the amount of settlements the faction is holding. High level settlements generate more income. Higher ranks get paid more.

Creation and Claiming:

A settlement will protect your land. Use "/ssettle" and "/sclaim" to create the settlement and claim more land. Land is claimed in 16x16 chunks. Use "/sunclaim" to abandon land. Use "/map" to see what chunks have already been claimed.


Available claims are gained over time. The speed at which they are gained is determined by the number of online members. A certain amount of members is required for the settlement to gain more claims. Use "/sstats" to see settlement claims, requirements and other stats.


Use "/sinvite" to invite another player to the settlement. Settlement invitations can be accepted with "/saccept" and declined with "/sdecline". A player can only be in a single settlement. Use "/settlementquit" to leave a settlement. Troublemakers can be kicked by using "/skick".

Building Requirements:

At some point, certain buildings will be required for the settlement to gain more claims.


Use "/ssetrole" to assign a role to a member. Each role gives certain attribute bonuses. The amount of available roles increases when certain buildings are set. Roles also determine which actions and commands are permitted. Some abilities are only available for certain roles.


Use "/bset" to set a building on the chunk and "/bremove" to remove it. Each building requires a certain amount of build points. Build points and new buildings become available when more land is claimed.


Some buildings can spawn or craft resources. Resources are taken from and stored in storage areas which can be added and removed with "/baddstorage" and "/bremovestorage". Blocks are placed directly to storage areas. Add chests to storage areas to store items.


To prevent griefing from settlement members, restrict building by setting homes with "/bset home". Only the owner and residents can build in homes. Residents can be added and removed with "/baddresident" and "/bremoveresident".


Use "/srename" to rename the settlement. Use "/sresign" to declare someone else as the settlement owner.


Players gain attribute points from killing creatures, getting crafting materials and pvp. Attribute points can be used to increase attribute scores. Higher attribute scores make you stronger. Attributes can be increased by interacting with "=[TRAIN]=" signs. Attributes can be decreased by interacting with "=[RESET]=" signs. Training signs can only be set at a TrainingCamp building. Use "/stats" to see your attributes.

ranged armour pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
melee armour pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
magic armour pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
melee enchant pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
ranged enchant pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
magic enchant pen+2%+8%+12%+18%+22%+28%+32%+38%+42%+48%
magic hit chance-3.0%-9.0%-15.0%-21.0%-27.0%-33.0%-39.0%-45.0%-51.0%-57.0%
melee hit chance-3.0%-9.0%-15.0%-21.0%-27.0%-33.0%-39.0%-45.0%-51.0%-57.0%
ranged hit chance-3.0%-9.0%-15.0%-21.0%-27.0%-33.0%-39.0%-45.0%-51.0%-57.0%
extra drop chance+1.5%+4.5%+7.5%+10.5%+13.5%+16.5%+19.5%+22.5%+25.5%+28.5%

Ability Descriptions:

Higher attribute scores unlock and upgrade abilities. Upgraded abilities are more efficient and have lower cooldown times. Some abilities require certain buildings and some are only available for certain roles/ranks. Use "/pabilityreq" to see ability attribute requirements.

Ability Activation:

There are active and passive abilities. Active abilities can be activated by clicking with a certain item. Passive abilities are always active and are triggered by a certain action.

Guardian Runes:

The guardian rune will restore all carried items after death. The rune needs to be recharged after every use. Recharging is done by interacting with a "=[RECHARGE]=" sign. Recharge signs can only be set at an Academy building. Recharging costs 1500. Enable or disable the rune with "/grenable" and "/grdisable".


Faction members receive wages each sunrise. Earned coins can be spent at a TradingPost. The amount of goods available is limited and is restocked every day. Available coins can be seen under "/stats".

Trading post:

Every settlement can set a TradingPost by using "/bset". Buy signs can be created by writing "=[BUY]=" on the first line and "amount*item_name" on the second line. Item ID can also be used instead of "item_name".


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