Destruction Catalyst


Destruction Catalyst was introduced in 1.4.7-R1.0-P1.2 release. This item is really powerful mining method.
Destruction Catalyst is made out of 10 stacks of coal, flint and steel and 16 clay balls. However it is worthy of its price!
It consumes coal/charcoal as fuel to power its mining skills. How to use it? It is really simple, just craft one, take some
coal or charcoal and right-click on any block, it will mine 3x3x1 blocks and drop them as you would mine it!

This item won't destory Bedrock and TheEnd Portal Frame. It also won't destroy blocks in claimed WorldGuard regions that
do not belong to the player. However be careful - players still can mine blocks protected by other plugins like LWC or Factions.
It also bypasses all plugins that detect block-break event, so these blocks won't be mined as the player.

Yet two words more about its usage. To use Destruction Catalyst you MUST have at least 1 coal/charcoal! While mining you have 20% chance to consume fuel.


Crafting is available via RECrafting system. Recipe:
Destruction Catalyst Recipe


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