RolePlaySpeciality Weapons

RolePlaySpeciality Weapons, a open to ideas plugin to make an immersive and unique gameplay:

Autres plug ins en develloppement dans cette serie/ Others RolePlaySpeciality-series plugins:

- RolePlaySpeciality (Chat RP has never been as immersive than before with this plugin!)
- RolePlaySpeciality Enchantments (add 22 new enchantments and 50 new stats to each player , a minecraft gameplay fully overhauled!)
- RolePlaySpeciality Gameplay (contient RolePlaySpeciality Enchantments et un futur RolePlaySpeciality Potions)


Version totalement refabriquée du premier RPS weapons, ce nouveau plugin va désormais ajouter une toute nouvelle dimension à l'armement de minecraft, non plus seulement en leur permettant de leur faire gagner de l'experience mais en permettant aussi de calculer leur vraie valeur instantanément, d'y ajouter un systeme d'appartenance ("possesseur" different de "porteur"!), d'attribuer une certaine maitrise de cet item pour chaque porteurs et bien plus encore!

Totally remade version of the first RPS weapons, this new plugin will now add a really new dimension to weaponry in minecraft, not only by levelling each of them, but to permit to calculate their real value, to add to them owners, mastery to each of theses holders and a lot more!!

But du plugin, plugin's goals:

Ce plugin a pour vocation de travailler sur une large variété d'outils afin de permettre une activité totalement personnalisée de role play, customisable en tout et cet outil se remplira de fonctions a mesure des idées et demandes lors de mon temps libre.

The goal of this plugin is to work on an large amount of tool to create a new kind of role playing experience, totally customizable and personalizable, this tool will be in developpement while I'll have ideas and receive some by anybody, while I'll have some free time to spend on it.

Informations sur l'utilisation du plugin, informations about using plugin:

Version actuelle : v.0.81 beta fonctionnelle
Compatibilité avec BPermissions.
Toutes les commandes sont complètement configurable dans les fichiers de configuration placés dans votre dossier RolePlaySpecialityWeapons!
Aucun plugin nécessaire pour fonctionner.

Current version : v.0.81 working beta
BPermissions Compatibility.
No other plugin needed .
Every feature is configurable in some config files in your RolePlaySpecialityWeapons folder!

>Permissions needed/Permissions nécessaires<

>Configuration in details<

Couleurs utilisables dans la configuration/Usable colors in configuration:

BLACKRepresents blackCOLOR
WHITERepresents whiteCOLOR
AQUARepresents aquaCOLOR
DARK_AQUARepresents dark blue (aqua)COLOR
BLUERepresents blueCOLOR
DARK_BLUERepresents dark blueCOLOR
GRAYRepresents grayCOLOR
DARK_GRAYRepresents dark grayCOLOR
GREENRepresents greenCOLOR
DARK_GREENRepresents dark greenCOLOR
LIGHT_PURPLERepresents light purpleCOLOR
DARK_PURPLERepresents dark purpleCOLOR
REDRepresents redCOLOR
DARK_REDRepresents dark redCOLOR
YELLOWRepresents yellowCOLOR
GOLDRepresents goldCOLOR
MAGICRepresents magical characters that change around randomly
RESETResets all previous chat colors or formats.COLOR
STRIKETHROUGHMakes a line appear through the text.COLOR
BOLDMakes the text bold.COLOR
ITALICMakes the text italic.COLOR
UNDERLINEMakes the text appear underlined.COLOR

Actual commands/features:

Items side:

  • craft levelled items!
  • Tools and stuff levelling!
  • Adding stats to tools (blocks mined, mobs killed, etc.....) (work in progress)
  • future RPS Gameplay compatibility to add more and more content to minecraft items! (To do)
  • monetarized value of items will be automatically calculated, (To do)
  • item's owners/holders system,
  • masterizing items by using them to add bonuses to them!
  • each gained level improve their efficiency and give you bonus xp!
  • each reached stage will reward you with ( customisable ) bonus durability, ( fully customisable) items , and a lot more!
  • adding epic RPG description to items automatically with each stage!
  • create as many stage as you want!
  • the toggleable auto updater can tell you if there is a new version and if you want download it automatically!
  • never be blocked by mods anymore, you can add blocks/items ID and names on your own in the config files to implement them in the plugin yourself easily! (to do)

Chat side:

Chat RP Immersive experience is enhanced by RolePlaySpeciality plugin available here!! L'immersion du RP par chat est améliorée par le plugin RolePlaySpeciality disponible ici!!

Gameplay side:

New stats and more content to implement to your vanilla minecraft server gameplay are coming with the new extension RolePlaySpeciality Gameplay!!
De nouvelles competences et du contenu unique a ajouter au gameplay de votre serveur minecraft vanilla arrivent dans la nouvelle extension RolePlaySpeciality Gameplay!!

Serveurs utilisant officiellement ce plug in/ Servers using officialy this plug in:

Voici une liste non exhaustive (voir dessous) listant les differents serveurs utilisant RolePlaySpeciality pour améliorer l'experience de jeu de leurs joueurs:

Here's a list (see above ) where are the servers using RolePlaySpeciality to enhance their player's gaming experience:

-Utopia-land Survival/PVP/Creatif (IP: )
-Minefrench Evolution/Semi-RP/Free Build/MiniGames/PVP (IP: Creatif (IP: FeedTheBeast ( Voir site )


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 6, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License

