Configuration explanation

This page present the default configuration of RPSWeapons


##########CONFIG FILE############
#####  FILE: Config.yml     #####
#### *General
#### *Colors
#### *Money
#### *Levelling
#####                      ######
##########             ##########

 use permissions: false

 #En/disable the creation of levelled items by crafting them. (Emerald on Book_And_Quill on item)
 use crafting system: false
 #En/Disable auto-updater notification
 use auto-update notifier: true
 #Dis/Allow auto-updater to download latest version of this plugin (may cause version compatibility bugs!)
 download latest version automatically: false
 #En/Disable Debug mode (for developping purpose only)
 debug mode enabled: false
 #Determine the lenght of stages rp description before going to another line on items.
 stages RP description line lenght: 50
 #Use alternate and configurable item list names.yml instead of plugin default values. BUGGED
# use alternate item list: true
 #En/Disable the xp gain from killing mob spawned by spawners.
 disable mob spawners: true
 #Determine the xp bar lenght
 #more than 55 is not recommended
 xp bar lenght: 50
#    Unused configuration:
#    crafting ratio
 crafting ratio: 2 
 cancel use of leveled items beyond your permissions: true
 item description color: GRAY
 item experience bar color: GREEN

 #wooden utils default money value 
 #(others materials are calculated proportionnally)
 wooden utils default value: 10
 #level 1 enchantment value
 basic enchantment value: 150
 # Using /level buy
 # this command's cost is calculated with ((xpleftbeforelvlup / xpDivider)*xpCostMultiplier)
 xp Divider: 100
 xp cost multiplier: 100
 #Determine the maximum level a weapon can reach
 maximum level reachable: 20
 #Multiplier that will decide the amount of xp needed  to level up
 # default = 30; must never be less than 1!
 xp multiplier (xpmax = level*xpmultiplier): 30
 #Determine if tools can be levelled.
 normal items enabled: true
 #Items who must not be able to be levelled
 disabled items: none
 #Determine the speed of the mastery stat growth. (More than 1000 is dangerous)
 max mastery points per item: 1000
 #Determine the durability bonus given to items when rank up! 
 durability bonus on rank up: 10
 #En/Disable items rewards on stage up of items.
 give items reward on stage up: true
 #Experience gained when items level up 
 experience on level up: 10 
 #Experience gained by tools when hurting ennemies with weapons or breaking the correct block. It can't be less than 5 otherwise this value will automatically be 5.
 experience per hit: 5
 #Experience gained when killing specified ennemies with weapons. 
 experience per kill:
  creeper: 10
  skeleton: 8
  spider: 8
  zombie: 8
  slime: 5
  ghast: 25
  pig zombie: 10
  enderman: 30
  cave spider: 15
  silverfish: 30
  blaze: 20
  magma cube: 20
  bat: 5
  witch: 20
  pig: 5
  sheep: 5 
  cow: 5
  chicken: 5
  squid: 5
  wolf: 15
  mooshroom: 8
  ocelot: 15
  villager: 10
  ender dragon: 2000
  player: 50


#Name of these stages
#at whose level items can access this stage?
  level: 1
#in what color will the item name be in this stage?
  color: WHITE
#If you want none, put '' or leave it blank 
  prefix: ''
#If you want stage color, put '' or leave it blank 
  prefix color: ''
  suffix: basic
  suffix color: ''
#If you want to add specific description on items having this stage, you can write it here without limits
  description: These basic items provide from the furthest poor countries.. 
#And then decide of it's color here.
  description color: GRAY
#effectives enchantments on items in this stage.
  enchantments: none
#Bonuses values on each type of bonuses of this stage. (0 = no bonus)
    damage: 0
    armor: 0
    fishing: 0
#Item rewards (Material name or ID) and their amount when reaching this stage. 
#Material name list =>
  items reward:
    STONE: 30
  level: 5
  color: YELLOW
  prefix: good
  prefix color: ''
  suffix: ''
  suffix color: ''
  description: '' 
  description color: ''
  enchantments: none
    damage: 2
    armor: 2
    fishing: 0.1
  items reward:
    LAPIS_ORE: 32
  level: 10
  color: GOLD
  prefix: better
  prefix color: ''
  suffix: ''
  suffix color: ''
  description: ''
  description color: ''
  enchantments: none
    damage: 4
    armor: 4
    fishing: 0.2
  items reward:
    IRON_INGOT: 32
  level: 15
  color: RED
  prefix: great
  prefix color: ''
  suffix: ''
  suffix color: ''
  description: ''
  description color: ''
  enchantments: none
    damage: 6
    armor: 6
    fishing: 0.3
  items reward:
    GOLD_INGOT: 16
  level: 20
  color: AQUA
  prefix: best
  prefix color: ''
  suffix: ever
  suffix color: ''
  description: ''
  description color: ''
  enchantments: none
    damage: 8
    armor: 8
    fishing: 0.4
  items reward:
    DIAMOND: 8


#Name of differents categories of minecraft's items
#Names of differents names per stage (1rst stage = basic, 2nd = good, ...)
#don't forget to create every new personalized stage in stages.yml to make it effective. 
  stages: basic, good, better, great, best
#Bonuses that will be evolving with this group's item's level.
  bonuses: damage
  stages: basic, good, better, great, best
  bonuses: armor
  stages: basic, good, better, great, best
  bonuses: fishing

Other stuff

The other config files are at the moment useless and not used by the plugin (they are used internally and aren't modifiable at the moment) and will become configurable sooner! :)


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