Commands and Permissions


Note: All commands where item IDs are involved support aliases!

Essential CommandsEssential Commands

/rsenter - teleports you inside a store if you're standing at its entrance. Right-clicking glass does the same.

/rsexit - teleports you out, if you're standing at the exit of a store. Right-clicking glass does the same.

/rspay - pays for your stuff. You can also right-click on an obsidian block with a slab (id 44) on top.

/rscost - tells you how much you need to pay. Left-clicking on a "cash register" does the same.

/rsprices [store] [page|search itemid] - shows a list of all items you can buy and their cost. You can also search for one specific item with the search argument. updated!

Creating and Setting Up StoresCreating and Setting Up Stores

/rsset - this is a command for admins. It has a couple of arguments: updated!

  • /rsset prompt - starts an interactive prompt. While in the prompt you can't use other commands. You can exit by simply typing quit. new!
  • /rsset entrance - sets the entrance variable to your current location. Explained in Setting Up
  • /rsset exit - sets the exit variable to your current location (Also explained in "Setting up stores")
  • /rsset createstore (name) - creates a shop with the last set entrance and exit variables. If you want to have several entrances and exits to the same store, just use this command more times with the same 'name' argument, but different 'entrance' and 'exit' variables set.
  • /rsset delstore (name) - deletes the specified store. If it has more than one entrance and exit it deletes all of them.

/rssetstores - exactly like rsset but creates stores where the profits go to the creator (player-owned stores). Self-refilling chests are disabled. updated!

/rssetprices - manages prices, both for player and admin-owned stores. If a player wants to manage admin store prices they need a realshopping.rsset permission as well. If you're not in the given store, you have to use the 'store' argument as well.

  • /rsseprices add [store] (id)[:data]:(price):(min):(max) - sets the price for the item with the specified id to 'price'. You can also set prices for items with special data values, like enchanted golden apple (322:1). The special price overrides the regular one. The min and max arguments are also optional and set the maximal and minimal price which the automatic store management can set.
  • /rssetprices del [store] (ID)[:DATA] - removes the price for an item.
  • /rssetprices clear [store] - clears all prices for a store.
  • /rssetprices copy [store] [copy from] - copies the prices from 'copy from' to your store. If you skip the 'copy from' argument, the lowest price for every item in every store is copied.
  • /rssetprices defaults [store] - sets the default prices for your store. The default prices are imported with the /rsimport command, though they are reset when you reload the server.
  • /rssetprices showminmax [store] (ID) - shows the currently set minimal and maximal price for the item.
  • /rssetprices clearminmax [store] (ID) - clears the currently set minimal and maximal price for the item.
  • /rssetprices setminmax [store] (ID):(MIN):(MAX) - sets the minimal and maximal price for the item. Data values are not currently supported.

/rssetchests - manages those self-refilling chests updated!

  • /rssetchests prompt - Starts an interactive prompt. While in the prompt you can't use other commands. You can exit by simply typing quit. new!
  • /rssetchests create|del - No arguments. The block you are standing on becomes/ceases to be a self-refilling chest.
  • /rssetchestsadditems|delitems item[*X][,item[*X][,item[*X]...]] - adds/deletes items to spawn in the chest you are standing on. Items are in the format of: item_id:data:amount. Data and amount are optional and default to 0 and a full stack. Multiple arguments are separated by commas. If you want to add the same item several times you can "multiply" it by any number. Example: /rssetchests additems 5:2*10,5:3*10 to fill the chest with 10 stacks of spruce planks and 10 stacks of jungle planks. updated!

Managing StoresManaging Stores

/rsstores help|store [additional arguments] - Manages stores and stuff. Use without arguments to see a overview of the store.

  • /rsstores help [command] - displays help for any rsstores command
  • /rsstores store buyfor percent_of_original_price - Default is 0 and means players won't be able to sell to the store. Any integer between 1 and 100 allows it.
  • /rsstores store collect [-c] [amount] - Drops stolen and bought (from players) items in front of you. The -c flags puts them in the chest you are standing at instead. An integer decides how many items to drop.
  • /rsstores store ban player or /rsstores store unban player - bans or unbans someone from your store.
  • /rsstores store kick player or /rsstores store kick -o player - kicks out a player from your store. The -o flag allows you to kick players that are currently offline, however they won't be teleported out of the store. Only use this if you're about to remove the store OR you really know what you're doing.
  • /rsstores store startsale percent_off [item_ids_separated_by_commas] starts a sale for all or selected items. percent_off needs to be an integer between 1 and 99. You can end the sale with /rsstores store endsale or it is ended upon server restart.
  • /rsstores store notifications [on|off] if notifications are enabled or disabled for this store. Default is on.
  • /rsstores store onchange [nothing|notify|changeprices] [treshold] [percent] if automatic store management is enabled and what it does for this store. enable-automatic-store-management in config has to be true.
    • nothing disables it (default)
    • notify (treshold) sends a notification to you for every item that you sold more of (compared to other stores) now, than <time specified in config> ago. 'Treshold' is how many places your store needs to gain or lose for you to be notified. Default is 1 but you can use a higher number if you don't care about smaller changes.
    • changeprices (notify) (percent) does the same as notify AND either lowers or increases the price for that item by 'percent'


/rssell - opens the "sell to store" windows. The alternative is right-clicking an obsidian block with a brown mushroom on top.

/rsshipped [collect [ID] | inspect ID] - Manages items shipped from the stores.

  • Use without arguments to see which packages you have to collect. One package equals the contents of a shopping cart.
  • Only the 'collect' argument - collects the first package. You have to be standing on a chest to use this. The chest's old contents will be dropped.
  • 'Collect' and ID of a package - collects the given package, see above.
  • 'Inspect' and ID of a package - see what items there are in the given package, when and from where it was shipped.

/rsunjail player - unjails the given player.


/rstplocs setwhitelistmode|setblacklistmode|add RADIUS|remove|highlight - creates/deletes an spheric area around the place you are standing. If whitelist mode is set (default) then the players will be able to teleport directly from a store to that area. Put this only around areas where there are no stores. Alternatively you could set it to blacklist mode and add area everywhere where there are stores. The highlight (more about highlighting further down) argument highlights the five location centres nearest you.

/rsprotect add|remove - Makes chests which you can't open from outside of the store. Use this command while standing on a chest in your store. This command exist as an extra security feature, when the server's protection mod has a lag big enough to break the wall to a store, and open a chest before the wall comes back into place.

/rsimport - Shows a prompt which guides you in importing prices from Minecraft Economy Manager. See the Importing Prices page for more info.

Managing the pluginManaging the Plugin

/rsupdate info|update - When the config setting for this is neither false (no update checks whatsoever) or true (automatic updates without confirmation) you can update manually with this. The info argument displays the description of the new version.

/rsreload - reloads the mod

/realshopping - prints some info about the mod

About highlighting allowed/forbidden teleport locations

In this case "highlight the centre of the area" means that the exact middle of the sphere will turn to a wool block. You can use the command if you forgot where the center was. The change lasts for 5 seconds, and then the block will turn back to whatever it was before. The change is made by the sendBlockChange() function which means that only the sender of the command sees it.

Now the wool is color coded for the size of the radius:

White Wool means the radius is 1

Light Gray Wool means the radius is less than 5

Gray Wool means the radius is less than 10

Black Wool means the radius is less than 15

Red Wool means the radius is less than 25

Orange Wool means the radius is less than 35

Yellow Wool means the radius is less than 50

Lime Wool means the radius is less than 75

Green Wool means the radius is less than 100

Cyan Wool means the radius is less than 125

Light Blue means the radius is less than 150

Blue Wool means the radius is less than 175

Purple Wool means the radius is less than 200

Magenta Wool means the radius is less than 250

Pink Wool means the radius is less than 500

Brown Wool means the radius is more than 500


Self-explanatory, also apply to the actions after right- and left-clicking objects.

Example of how to distribute them among the players:

Players being allowed to use stores:








realshopping.rsstores (players will only be able to manage their own stores, so for this group of players it can only show information about stores)

Players being allowed to create their own stores

(all of the above +)



Players being allowed to create admin stores with infinite chests and so on..

(all of the above +)




(all of the above +)

realshopping.rsprotect (unfortunately this can be misused if regular players get to create protected chests)





realshopping.rsupdate (by setting enable-automatic-updates in config to ask-console or check-console you can disable this command to players whatsoever)



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