
Real Shopping v0.50


An early version of 0.51 update is available for download upon approval. Please test it and help us release it bugfree! Read the disclaimer in the changelog page before downloading!

RealShopping is a shop plugin which aims to be as realistic as possible. It can use Vault for economy integration, which is highly recommended. Pre 0.30 source code is included in the jar, later on GitHub

How it works

You enter a store by right-clicking the "door", which is either a glass block or a glass pane. The plugin teleports you inside and remembers everything in your inventory. You can then take the items which you want to purchase from chests in the store. Then you walk up to the cash register (an obsidian block with a slab on top), right click it, and the plugin sees which items you have taken and charges you for them. At last you can exit the store by standing at the exit and right-clicking the door.

These are the basics, and how everything started. Now, RealShopping has lots of additional features. Take a look at the different pages here to see if you find something which suits you!

If you don't feel like reading a lot of instructions, you can get a hold of the basics by watching the video tutorial further down the page! :)

(click images for a higher resolution)

Entering a store Left-click to check cost Right-click to buy


  • Ability to create an infinite number of stores.
  • Aliases for item IDs and data values which you can use in commands.
  • Separate prices for each store.
  • Self-refilling chests.
  • Minecarts with chests acting like shopping carts
  • Delivery of the items in your shopping cart to a chest at your home.
  • Selling to stores, if the owner approves it.
  • Language-packs.
  • Both admin and player-owned stores.
  • Kick or banish players from your stores.
  • A punishment for players trying to steal items.
  • A mostly command free experience for users.
  • An automatic updater!


Just put the RealShopping.jar in your plugins folder and start and stop the server. A directory named RealShopping with a couple of files is created. You can edit the config file if you like, but the default settings will suit most people.

I highly recommend Vault together with an economy plugin for the best economy management.


Configuration and Setting Up Commands and Permissions Importing Prices Additional Features Aliases

Video tutorial

(This one is kinda old, feel free to make your own version and PM it to me)

Thanks to IngrownPenguin for making this tutorial!


(Full changelog here)


Besides a rewrite of a lot of stuff, RealShopping version 0.50 comes with a few new, but important features. The smaller improvements which I originally had planned for 0.50 are postponed to 0.51, but here's what you get in this version:

  • Added search option to /rsprices. Instead of browsing through several pages of prices you can now search for the item you need.
  • Added aliases - Six hundred of them! That's more than enough for every item ID and data value combination. Instead of typing item IDs when executing commands you can write the name of the item, and the plugin will recongnize it. For a complete list and more detailed instructions, see the plugin page.
  • Added interactive prompts for /rsset, /rssetstores and /rssetchests. This simplifies creating stores (especially ones with many entrances) and managing self-refilling chests. In case something goes wrong, all prompts can be aborted with quit.
  • Added free manage mode to the /rssetchests prompt. Open a chest, put items in, and close it. The chest contents will be permanently updated.
  • Added the multiplication sign to additems and delitems in /rssetchests. If you want to add the same item stack several times in a row to a chest, you can type it once and put a multiplication sign followed by a number behind. Examples are on the plugin page.

I'm releasing this version just to add one function which I think is needed. Now stores will buy and sell partly-broken tools with a discount equal to the durability percentage.

Note that I am in the middle of rewriting parts of the code. Some of the commands now have slightly improved help options, but otherwise this makes it more likely for bugs to turn up. If you encounter one, please report it in the Tickets section and I will get it fixed. If you're wondering something, feel free to ask in the comments :)

Future features

These are some ideas that are on my mind for the future of RealShopping. If you have any, please post in the comments. I appreciate every suggestion :)

  • The this alias, which you can use for the currently held item.
  • The /rsme command, for managing store "news" subscriptions amongst others.
  • Further improvement of the automatic store management.
  • Extended and more customizable notifications.
  • More creative ways to punish thieves and an improvement of the current.
  • Even more smaller improvements!


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