Non Teleport Zones


Non teleport zones are used to define areas that you don't want players to be able to spawn in. A good example would be if you got a teleport zone which goes 10 000 blocks in every direction called A. Your spawn is pretty big and you don't want players to be able to spawn within 1000 blocks from spawn as you want to get them far away and of to a good start. You therefor setup a Non Teleport zone which goes 1000 blocks in very direction from spawn. Then players will not spawn within that range.

How to create a Non Teleport Zone

To create a ntp zone you first need to create a normal zone (/rLoc create <ZoneName>).

Lets call it Zone1 and we use /rLoc create Zone1 to create it.

Then wee need to set pos1/2. When can either use "/rLoc pos1 Zone1" and "/rLoc pos2 Zone1", or "/rLoc radius Zone1 1000" to set pos1 and pos2 1000 blocks away.

Then we need to set it to be a Ntp zone, we then do "/rLoc setType Zone1 ntp" you can also use "/rLoc setType Zone1 NonTeleport"

And thats it ;)