


Configuration File

When you install the plugin you should see a folder called RandomCoordinates / RandomCoords, inside that there is a file named Config.yml

You should see these Things

  • MaxCoordinate = This is the maximum distance that you will allow this player to teleport randomly out to. X and Z coordinate. Default = 10000
  • MinCoordinate = The minimum x & z coordinate they can teleport to.
  • Cooldown: = How long after using the /rc command or a sign can the player use it again. This adds the TimeBeforeTeleport
  • TimeBeforeTeleport: = How long after the command should they be teleported - slow servers should have this high. Default = 5
  • SignCooldown: = Adds the command cooldown to the signs. State = true or false, Default = true
  • Factions: = Wether or not you have factions installed, and wouldn't like them to teleport to faction claims.
  • OnJoin: = Wether or not to teleport the player randomly, the first time they ever join.

Note: When finished with editing the config, Save the file and the reload the server or do /RC reload.


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