Tutorial: Home/Part 5: Administration

Delete Commands

Using the delete command, you are able to delete a course, checkpoint, lobby or kit. Using the syntax: 
/pa delete (choice) (argument) 


All of which you will have to confirm before the action is complete.

Deleting a course


If you delete a course it will remove all information stored on the server about it, including all references from the database so only use as a last resort. If preferred, you can reset a course which will keep it's structure (start location & checkpoints), but reset all of it's stats and leaderboards.


Deleting a checkpoint

If you want to delete a checkpoint, it will start with the highest number and decrease to the lowest, for safety reasons. For example if your course has 5 checkpoints, and you enter /pa delete checkpoint (course) it will ask if you want to delete checkpoint 5, if you execute the command again it will ask if you want to delete checkpoint 4, etc.

Note that you may want to overwrite a checkpoint if it needs moving, instead of deleting many. For example if you had 5 checkpoints and wanted to move the location of checkpoint 2, you can enter /pa checkpoint 2 in the desired location.

Deleting a lobby

If you want to delete a lobby, it will remove all trace of the lobby from the server. To delete a lobby, simply enter /pa delete lobby (lobby)

Delete Lobby

If there are any courses that are linked to the lobby, it will alert you and you must address these before it can be executed, for safety reasons.
Delete warning

You must set the dependent courses to use a different lobby before this change can be made.

View Part 4: ParkourKits to view how to delete a ParkourKit.

Reset Commands

Using the reset command, you are able to reset a course, player, leaderboard or prize. Using the syntax: 
/pa reset (choice) (argument)

All operations will have to be confirmed or cancelled before the change is made.

Resetting a Course

This will delete all the statistics stored, which includes leaderboards and various Parkour attributes. This will NOT affect the spawn / checkpoints.

Resetting a Player

This will delete all their leaderboards across all courses and delete all various Parkour attributes. 

Resetting a Leaderboard

Will remove all the leaderboards for a specified course.

Resetting a Prize

This will reset all the prizes for a course, causing it to use the default prize specified in the config.yml.

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