
Spells in this plugin are cast using their in-cannon incantations. Extensive work has been done to ensure that any spell with a known incantation is included in the plugin. These spell incantations do not take capitalization into account.

To cast a spell, type in the incantation while holding your wand. This loads the spell for casting. Left clicking with the wand in your hand will cast the spell. You must then recite the incantation again to cast the spell again.

The power of the spell is related to the number of times you have cast it previously. The power will go up with the square root of your casting experience. When you die, your spell experience is reset back to 0.

With over 100 uses of a spell, it becomes available to cast nonverbally. Your list of known nonverbal spells can be scrolled through by right clicking with your wand in your hand. Sneak and right click to scroll backwards through the list. When you have reached the spell you wish to cast nonverbally, left clicking will cast it. You can then immediately cast the same spell again without scrolling back to it.

Most spells will fire off a spell projectile, which moves forward along the player’s line of sight. If a spell is cast while the player is looking almost all the way down at their feet, it will be cast on themselves.

Certain spells will spawn a stationary spell object. These objects have a radius of effect. Shield spells are an example of this type of behavior.