
NoobResponse - Automatic Reply with Message and/or Actions!

This is THE plugin that will save you 1000 keystrokes a day!

I made this plugin because I myself am a server owner, and the innumerable amount of noob questions I was asked day after day was becoming simply intolerable... "How do I change my skin?", "Can I be an op?", etc.

And that's why I created this plugin, it's an automatic responder/chatbot/messager which will respond/reply to chat messages. You can set up triggers the plugin should respond to. For example:

  • Player: "Can I get op?"
  • Plugin: "No." And at the same time, the player would be killed or teleported or kicked, ...

NoobResponse requires Java SE 7 to run.


All credits for the video go to alien1947in.


In this version, the trigger ID what we use to reference a specific trigger. Trigger ID's are currently case sensitive. If you create a trigger with the same ID as an existing one, it will be overwritten.

All command permissions default to op.


The main plugin command. Subcommands & permissions are:

  • /noobresponse reload - Reloads the plugin's config, discarding any new triggers. (noobresponse.reload)
  • /noobresponse save - Saves the plugin's config, overwriting any changes that were made. (noobresponse.saveconfig)
  • /noobresponse help - Prints a colourful help message. (
  • /noobresponse version - Displays the version of the plugin you are running. (noobresponse.version)

Command to add basic keyword triggers, similar to version 2.0. Note that spaces are allowed in the response, but not in keywords.

Permission: noobresponse.add

Usage: /nradd <triggerID> <keywords> <response>

Example: /nradd exampletrigger keyword1,keyword2,no,spaces,please This is the response.


Command to list all loaded triggers and their responses. To view keywords & other details use /nrview. Permission: noobresponse.list Usage: /nrlist


Command to view all properties (keywords, response etc) for a trigger.

Permission: noobresponse.view

Usage: /nrview <triggerID>

Example: /nrview exampletrigger


Deletes a trigger. Cannot be undone.

Permission: noobresponse.delete

Usage: /nrdel <triggerID>

Example: /nrdel exampletrigger


Changes properties of a trigger. (More info here: Modify command)

Permission: noobresponse.modify

Usage: /nrmodify <triggerID> <property> <value>

Example: /nrmodify exampletrigger cancelmessage true


Starts a NoobResponse wizard with the given trigger ID. You can exit at any time by typing 'cancel'.

Permission: noobresponse.wizard

Usage: /nrwizard <triggerID>

Example: /nrwizard newtrigger


  • noobresponse.ignore - Noobresponse ignores you. Completely. (default: false)
  • noobresponse.noaction - Actions are not applied to you, even if you trigger a response. (default: op)
  • noobresponse.nocancel - Your messages will not be cancelled. (default: false)
  • noobresponse.norespond - Noobresponse will show a chat response to anything you say, but actions may still be applied. (default: false)
  • noobresponse.setup - Yes, it is still here. It provides access to all the commands. (default: op)
  • noobresponse.* - Access to all commands + being ignored. (default: false)


The best way to set up a Trigger(= Response) is to use the wizard we have built in. The command for the wizard is "/nrwizard <triggerID>" Make sure you choose a unique triggerID!

List of replacements here. A full list of actions is available here.

If you really want to set up triggers in the config manually, you can copy the example trigger and modify it, or set up old-style triggers in config.yml under 'messages'. (these will be converted automatically on server startup/reload)

For reference, the old style actions & variables can be found here.


Q: Is the response shown to all players?
A: There is a configuration setting for this, the wizard will ask you.

Plugin Metrics

This plugin uses PluginMetrics to get this data: (click the image to see more information) NoobResponse Plugin Metrics
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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 15, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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