MyChunk (and Ganglands)

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

MyChunk 3

ANNOUNCEMENT 01 June 2019 MyChunk returns! Due to my involvement in a new minecraft server, MyChunk is back... but in a slightly different form than before (a better one!)

IMPORTANT This plugin no longer uses signs to claim/unclaim etc. As great as that was as a feature, as the plugin has grown it became unmanageable. Everything is done via commands now... however it is full integrated with Tab Completion to help users find the command they need.

Introducing GANGLANDS

I always wanted to upgrade MyChunk to include group protection similar to plugins like Factions and Towny.... and now I have!!!


Starting from version 3.0.0 of MyChunk, you can now download the optional GangLands addon (required MyChunk) to add the /gang commands, which allow you to form a gang, claim land for your gang, and declare ally gangs to share gang lands, and enemy gangs to start a gang war!


This is a major update to MyChunk and may contain some bugs. Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs you may find.

What is MyChunk

MyChunk is a land protection plugin designed to keep things simple. Simple commands with tab completion, easy to understand permissions and configuration, and working alongside previous protection plugins like Towny and Factions.


Easily claim a chunk and get instant protection from other players and from mobs, as well as protection from fire spread and water and lava griefing.


This plugin does not REQUIRE the installation of any other plugins. However, if you want to make use of the economy options, such as charging to claim a chunk, the plugin requires the Vault plugin (and an economy plugin of course).

Video Tutorial

Unfortunately the previous video tutorial series for MyChunk is no longer valid. I'll look at creating a new one! If you want to make one to be featured here, please let me know!

MyChunk Features

  • Claim a chunk for yourself that is protected from other players and from mobs (depending on config)
  • Claim Server chunks to protect important areas
  • Claim Public chunks to allow construction but prevent claiming of certain areas (useful for servers using "Protect Unclaimed")
  • Allow and Disallow access permissions to other players on a chunk-by-chunk basis
  • Use Allow* and Disallow* to manage access permission for all your chunks at once
  • Claimed chunk is marked in all corners with torches on the highest block when you claim it
  • Limit the maximum number of chunks a player can claim both globally and with individual/group permissions
  • Option to limit building to claimed chunks only (Protect Unclaimed)
  • Option to prevent claiming in Nether or End worlds
  • (With Vault and an economy plugin) Charge players for claiming chunks
  • (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to give a refund for unclaiming chunks
  • (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to allow claiming above the max limit for an additional fee
  • (With Vault and an economy plugin) Option to remove the overbuy fee when buying from another player
  • (With Vault and an economy plugin) Sell chunks for profit using ForSale command (and NotForSale command)
  • Chunks you own are protected from griefing by other players or by creepers
  • Doors, hatches, fence gates, buttons, levers, pressure plates, paintings and item frames are protected from griefers
  • Doors are protected from being bashed in by zombies
  • Chests, Furnaces, Dispensers and Brewing Stands are all protected, as are all the new 1.14.2 blocks
  • Claim chunks for other players or for the server (with permission)
  • Configurable PVP in owned chunks
  • Configurable mob spawning/damage in owned chunks
  • Fire cannot spread in owned chunks (including from lava)
  • Automatic unclaiming of land for inactive players (Optional and configurable)
  • Customise messages using the lang.yml file
  • Works with Factions and Towny to prevent double claiming of chunks
  • Full Tab Completion for all commands (contextual based on permissions)


  • Start a gang and invite others to join
  • Claim land in the name of your gang for all gang members to use
  • Declare allies to share land with other gangs
  • Declare enemies to start a war and claim land from rival gangs
  • Gain gang influence based on the number of gang members and your battle victories
  • Use influence to claim more chunks (1 influence = 1 chunk)
  • Be careful, if an enemy faction reduced your influence they could steal your gangs chunks!
  • Personal chunks and gang chunks are separate. Personal chunks are not affected by wars
  • Lots of configuration options and permissions to control the carnage
  • Lease gang owned chunks to other players for a daily rate (if using an economy plugin)

Installation and Configuration

  • Drop the .jar file(s) into your /pugins folder
  • Restart the server (or reload plugins)
  • Edit the config.yml file which is created in the /plugins/MyChunk folder and /plugins/MyChunkGanglands folder. An explanation of each setting is included in the file.


NOTE: This has not been updated to the newest version of MyChunk yet. It's on my list to do!
New since 2.3.0
: I have created a new plugin to display all claimed chunks on your dynmap (assuming you have it) colour coded depending on who owns the chunks (Player, Server, Public). The plugin can be downloaded from the following link:


Lead Developer: ellbristow


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 23, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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