
With all the following commands, /mychunk can be replaced with /mc or /chunk.

General Commands

{optional} [required]

NOTE: All these general commands can be given to a player by providing the mychunk.commands.user permission node

/mychunk {Page No} : See statistical information about the plugin

Requires: mychunk.commands.stats

/mychunk allow [Player] {Flags} : Allow a player chunk access

Requires: mychunk.commands.allow

/mychunk allow* [Player] {Flags} : Allow a player chunk access for all your chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.allow

/mychunk allowmobs ["on"|"off"] : Allow mobs to spawn/harm in your chunk

Requires: mychunk.commands.allowmobs

/mychunk allowpvp ["on"|"off"] : Allow pvp in your chunk

Requires: mychunk.commands.allowpvp

/mychunk claim {Player} : Claim the current chunk

Requires: mychunk.commands.claim

/mychunk claimarea {Player Name/cancel} : Claim an area of chunks
(use once in each chunk marking the two corners of the square you want to claim)

Requires: mychunk.commands.claim.area

/mychunk disallow [Player] {Flags} : Disllow a player chunk access

Requires: mychunk.commands.disallow

/mychunk disallow* [Player] {Flags} : Disllow a player chunk access to all your chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.disallow

/mychunk flags : List the available flags (good to give this to anyone who has mychunk.claim)

Requires: mychunk.commands.flags

/mychunk forsale [Price] : Put the chunk up for sale

Requires: Alias: fs

/mychunk help {Page No} : See command help


/mychunk info : See information about your claimed chunks (WIP)


/mychunk lease [Days]: Lease a chunk offered by a gang for a number of days (requires GangLands)


/mychunk notforsale : Take the chunk off sale

Requires: mychunk.commands.notforsale Alias: nfs

/mychunk owner : See who owns the current chunk

Requires: mychunk.commands.owner

/mychunk unclaim : Unclaim the current chunk

Requires: mychunk.commands.unclaim

/mychunk unclaimarea : Unclaim an area of chunks
(Use one in each chunk markign the corners of the square you want to unclaim)

Requires: mychunk.commands.unclaim.area

Admin Commands

{optional} [required]

Note: The mychunk.commands.* permission node provides all commands, including general and admin commands


/mychunk override : Toggle MyChunk override permission to bypass protections

Requires: mychunk.commands.override

/mychunk expirydays [new_days] : Set the number of days used by ownership expiry

Requires: mychunk.commands.expirydays

/mychunk info [Player Name] : See information about another player's chunks (WIP)



/mychunk max [new_max_chunks] : Set the maximum number of chunks a player is allowed to own

Requires: mychunk.commands.max

/mychunk obprice [new_price] : Set the price to claim chunks above the max limit (if enabled) [new_price]

Requires: mychunk.commands.obprice

/mychunk price [new_price] : Set the price to claim a chunk to [new_price]

Requires: mychunk.commands.price

/mychunk purgep [Player Name] : Unclaim all chunks owned by specified player

Requires: mychunk.commands.purgep

/mychunk purgew [World Name] : Unclaim all chunks in specified world

Requires: mychunk.commands.purgew

/mychunk ramprate [New Rate] : Set amoutn to be added each time a chunk is purchased when usign ramped pricing

Requires: mychunk.commands.ramprate

/mychunk refund [New Percentage] : Set a new "Unclaim Refund" percentage

Requires: mychunk.commands.refund

/mychunk reload : Reload config/lang files if changed on hard disk

Requires: mychunk.commands.reload

/mychunk toggle allowend : Toggle whether chunks can be claimed in end worlds

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.allowend

/mychunk toggle allownether : Toggle whether chunks can be claimed in nether worlds

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.allownether

/mychunk toggle expiry : Toggle whether claimed chunks get put up for sale after X days of inactivity (as defined by /mychunk expirydays)

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.unclaimed

/mychunk toggle firstchunkfree : Toggle whether players can claim their first chunk fro free

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.firstchunkfree

/mychunk toggle mobgrief : Toggle mob griefing in UNclaimed chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.mobgrie

/mychunk toggle neighbours : Toggle whether players can claim chunks next to each other

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.neighbours

/mychunk toggle notify : Toggle whether users receive notifications of attempts to access their chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.notify

/mychunk toggle overbuy : Toggle whether players can buy over the max limit for an extra fee

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.overbuy

/mychunk toggle prevententry : Toggle chunk entry protection

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.prevententry

/mychunk toggle preventpvp : Toggle PVP protection in UNclaimed chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.allowpvp

/mychunk toggle serverpvp: Toggle PVP protection in Server chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.serverpvp


/mychunk toggle publicpvp: Toggle PVP protection in Public chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.publicpvp

/mychunk toggle rampchunkprice : Toggle whether chunks get more expensive each time you claim

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.rampchunkprice

/mychunk toggle refund : Toggle whether refunds are given when unclaiming chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.refund

/mychunk toggle resales : Toggle whether players pay the overbuy price when buying from other players

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.resales

/mychunk toggle tnt : Toggle whether TNT causes damage in unclaimed chunks while "Protect Unclaimed" is enabled

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.tnt

/mychunk toggle unclaimed : Toggle whether unclaimed chunks are protected (Allow building ONLY in claimed chunks)

Requires: mychunk.commands.toggle.unclaimed

GangLands Commands

/gang {Gang Name} : Get info on a gang

Requires: No permissions needed


/gang ally [add|remove] [Gang Name] : Add or remove an invitation to form a gang alliance



/gang claim : Claim a chunk for your gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.claim


/gang create [Gang Name] : Create a new gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.create


/gang enemy [add|remove] [Gang Name] : Declare another gang as your enemy (be prepared for war!)

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.enemy


/gang disband : Disband your gang and unclaim all owned chunks

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.disband


/gang gangmultiplier [New Multiplier] : Change the influence gained per new gang member

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.gangmultiplier


/gang gangnamelength [New Length] : Chang the maximum length for gang names

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.gangnamelength


/gang help {Page Number} : Get help with gang commands



/gang home : Teleport to the assigned gang home location

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.home


/gang invite [Player Name] : Invite a player to join your gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.invite


/gang join [Gang Name] : Accept a gang invitation and join the gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.join


/gang lease [Days] : Lease an offered chunk from another gang for a number of days



/gang leave : Leave your current gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.leave

/gang list: List all existing gangs (color coded for Allies and Enemies)

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.list

/gang rename [New Name] : Change the name of your gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.rename

/gang sethome : Set the home teleport location for your gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.sethome

/gang settag [New Tag] : Set the chat tag/ short name for your gang

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.settag

/gang setlease [Price Per Day|cancel] : Set the current chunk as available for lease

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.setlease

/gang unclaim : Unclaim a chunk your gang owns

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.unclaim

/gang toggle usechatformat : Toggle chat formatting option on or off

Requires: mychunk.commands.gang.toggle.usechatformat


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