
If you want to help me translate MultiLanguage translate this file from English to your desired language

    language: "&6Welcome {player}. Your concurrent language is {language}"
    login: "&e{player} joined the game"
    logout: "&e{player} left the game"
    players: "&eConcurrent players in this channel"
    toggle-on: "&9Channel chat is now on"
    toggle-off: "&9Channel chat is now off"
    join: "&e{player} joined the channel"
    leave: "&e{player} left the channel"
    drowning: "&f{player} drowned"
    suffocation: "&f{player} suffocated"
    suicide: "&f{player} commited suicide"
    fall: "&f{player} hit the ground to hard"
    void: "&f{player} fell out of the map"
    lava: "&f{player} tried to swim in lava"
    fire: "&f{player} burnt to death"
    cactus: "&f{player} was pricked to death"
    pvp: "&f{player} was killed by {killer}"
    wither: "&f{player} withered away"
    anvil: "&f{player} was squashed by a falling anvil"
    wolf: "&f{player} was slain by a Wolf"
    ocelot: "&f{player} was slain by an Ocelot"
    zombie: "&f{player} was slain by a Zombie"
    skeleton: "&f{player} was shot by a Skeleton"
    pigzombie: "&f{player} was slain by a Pig Zombie"
    spider: "&f{player} was slain by a Spider"
    cavespider: "&f{player} was slain by a Cave Spider"
    silverfish: "&f{player} was slain by a Silverfish"
    slime: "&f{player} was slain by a Slime"
    creeper: "&f{player} blew up"
    enderman: "&f{player} was slain by an Enderman"
    ghast: "&f{player} was slain by a Ghast"
    blaze: "&f{player} was slain by a Blaze"
    enderdragon: "&f{player} was slain by an Ender Dragon"
    wither: "&f{player} was slain by Wither"
    witherskeleton: "&f{player} was slain by a Wither Skeleton"
    witch: "&f{player} was killed by a Witch"


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