Kits Configuration

Kit Configuration

The Kit Module is configured via the KitConfig.yml.

After enabling the Kit module in the TheMonkeyPackMainConfig.yml file and reloading the plugin the following default configuration is created:

# TheMonkeyPack 0.1 by [Don Redhorse]
# Configuration File for module [Kits]
# For detailed assistance please visit:

# Configuration Version
configVer: '1.0'

#-------- Module Configuration

# --- Translation Features

# Almost everything player visible can be translated!
# Please change to your liking and use the following variables
# %player = playername, %cmd = command, %help = help option
# %kitCharge = amount to be charged for the kit
# %sec = Seconds to wait for cooldown to finish

# NOTE: You need to use '' if you want to use ' in this text!

# The alias command for /tmpkit WITHOUT the / !!!
kitCmd: 'kit'
# The alias for the help option
helpOption: 'help'
# The command description.
cmdDescription: 'show a list of kit names or get a named kit'
# The command permissions description.
cmdPermDescription: 'allows access of the kit command'
# The help message displayed.
displayHelpMessage: 'displays this help.'
# The kits available message displayed.
kitsAvailableMessage: 'You have the following kits available: '
# The no kits available message displayed.
noKitsAvailableMessage: 'You don''t have access to any kits!'
# The message displayed if you don't have the permissions to access a kit.
dontHaveAccessToKit: 'You don''t have access to this kit!'
# The message displayed if the cooldown is still active.
pleaseTryAgain: 'Please try again in %sec'
# The message displayed if we charged for a kit.
chargedForKit: 'deducted %kitCharge for the kit'
# The message displayed if the player can't afford a kit.
cantAfford: 'You can''t afford that!'
# The message displayed if a player is not online while giving a kit.
notOnline: 'Player %player is not online'
# The message displayed when a player receives a kit.
enjoyTheKit: 'Enjoy the Kit ;)'
# The message displayed when a player received a kit.
hasReceived : 'Player %player has received a kit!'
# The message displayed when the player received a kit from somebody else.
gaveYouAKit : 'Player %player gave you a kit!'
# The message displayed when the player requested an unknown kit.
unknownKit : 'Please type /%cmd for a list of valid kits or /%cmd %help for syntax help.'

# --- Kits

# Add Kits here with the following style
# Name: ID Amount;ID Amount;ID amount (etc)[;-cooldown][;$price]

# Note: You can't use the helpOption (help) name a a kit!

# As an example:
# Starter: 268 1;269 1;-300;$10
# will give you 1 Wooden Sword (268) and 1 Wooden Door
# with a cooldown of 300 seconds (5 minutes)
# and for the amount of $10

    Starter: 269 1;268 1;-300;$10
    Rock: 1 1


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