Note: I only updated this plugin on request of one of my server members. In no way am I associated with ModTRS or have permissions from the creator. I shall try to get permission, but for now I just wanted to upload the plugin because people have been waiting for it.

FINALLY! Modtrs is updated. I have worked hard to update this plugin! So please don't comment saying, "WOOOOW you stole this and claimed it as your own"
Well, That is not what I'm doing at all guy with crazy hand movements! You obviously didn't read the note! So please tell me if there are any bugs or any problems. I will try to fix them but I can promise nothing. Lastly Give me feed back! I will have a link to the original authors Github page for this plugin. So you can check that out as well!


Easy installation: Just install ModTRS.jar, and it takes care of the rest!

- Logs username, time of day, location of request, a message, and more information

- Ability to claim requests to prevent mods stepping on each others' toes

- Send a private message to all the mods online

- Teleport to the location of the request

- List all online moderators

- Useful help: /modreq help only shows commands you have permission for

- Many more features...




Commands and Usages

Old Authors Github for this plugin

Tutorial (By: Cybersick99)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 12, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 4, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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