Command Usage

Requesting help

To request help from a moderator, use /modreq [message]. Replace "[message]" the message you want to be sent to the moderators, or I will personally come to your house and slap you with a wet trout.


Listing all online moderators

Typing /modlist will list all the moderators online.


For moderators
Listing all open requests

Simply type /check to list 5 of the open and claimed requests. It lists the ID number, timestamp, username, and a short segment of the text. (To see the full request, read the "Reading a request" section) The ID number is very important, and is what will be used to interact with the other commands.

If there's more than 5 requests at a time, it will give you a notice. Type /check p:2 to go to the 2nd page, and so on. Ideally, everyone would have the Improved Chat mod, where you can scroll, but I digress.

To view closed requests, type /check t:closed. This will list the first 5 closed requests. To see more closed requests, type /check t:closed p:2 and so on.

To view held requests, type /check t:held.


Reading a request

Requests are shown with an extremely truncated message on the /check interface. To read the full request, type /check #. The # is the ID number that was listed in the /check interface. It will then show the status, the user and timestamp, the moderator that handled the request (if applicable), and the text of the request.


Handling a request

ModTRS provides multiple ways to handle a request. You can close it immediately, claim it so another mod doesn't close it, or put it on hold.


Claiming a request

To prevent other mods from stepping on your toes while you handle a request, you can claim it. It marks it as such in the /check interface. To claim a request, type /claim # where # is the ID number of the request. To unclaim it, type /unclaim #.


Teleporting to a request

To get to the scene of the crime (depending on the nature of the request), type /tp-id #. The server will automatically place you at the location that the mod request took place.


Putting a request on hold

To put a request on hold, type /hold # where # is the ID number of the request. This removes it from the /check interface, so other requests can get more visibility. To view all held requests, type /check t:held


Closing a request

Once you've completed or denied a request, you can close it by typing either /complete # or /done #. This will send a message to the user, and remove it from the class.


Reopening a request

To reopen a closed request, type /reopen #. This will put the request back on the queue, and will be open to moderators again.


Sending a message to other moderators

If you need to talk to the other mods exclusively, type /mod-broadcast [message]. This will send a message to all the moderators and only the moderators.


Banning users from sending requests

If you need to prevent someone from sending requests, type /modreq-ban [username]. To unban them, type /modreq-unban [playername].


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