Config with Comments

#Control for the Natural Spawning events in your server.
Natural Spawn Properties:

# Enable this to override the default server configuration. Disable to use the normal servers configuration.
Natural Spawn Override: false

# Spawn rate in Ticks(1 tick = 1/20th of a second OR 50 milliseconds(1000ms = 1 second)) for Animals.
Natural Animal Spawn Rate: 400

# Spawn rate in Ticks(1 tick = 1/20th of a second OR 50 milliseconds(1000ms = 1 second)) for Monsters.
Natural Monster Spawn Rate: 1

# Mob type

# Allows to spawn in "world"
Spawn: true

# For every "mob" spawn in "world" it will spawn "amount" per spawn event. (e.g: 30 will make a massive horde)
SpawnAmount: 1

# The chance that "mob" will spawn in "world"
SpawnChance: 100.0

# Sets the "mob" health
Health: 4

# Sets the "mob" damage
Damage: 0

# Allows you to spawn other mobs instead of the parent mob
# Overrides: switches to that mobs properties, overrides all but SpawnInstead(e.g: spawninstead: BLAZE) this will make all of the BLAZE properties true rather than the Chickens.
SpawnInstead: none

#Control for the Attributes of mobs.

#Control the difficulty of the server(Does not override Natural Spawn Properties damage Modifiers).
#Click the link for info on difficulties.
Difficulty Modifier: NORMAL

#Enable this to use the attributes. Disabling this allows for normal minecraft attributes.
Use Attributes: false

#Mob Type

#The amount of XP to drop
#Click the link for help on Experience
XP: 0

#Add as many drops as you want. Click the links for help.

#default damage is 0. so for default items type 0
- item:damage:count:chance
#This will make 64 black wool drop with a 100% chance
- WOOL:15:64:100

#This will overwrite the default drop for the mob and only drop what you set.
override drops: false

#Enabling this will set the dropped XP as the XP: value. Disabling this will add to the mobs already dropped xp from XP:
override dropped xp: false


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