
How to create custom items in the TXT files


  • < item= | weapon= | helmet= | chestplate= | leggings= | boots= > <ItemType>:<subid>;<amount>:<drop chance in %>;<[(<enchantment>-<level> | <lore> | name=<name>):]*>


Items are built up the following way:

First section

< item= | weapon= | helmet= | chestplate= | leggings= | boots= >

is what kind of item you want it to be. There are 6 kinds:

  • item (bounty)
  • weapon (the item your mob is holding in its hands)
  • helmet (the item your mob wears on its head)
  • chestplate (the chestplate your mob is wearing)
  • leggings (the pants your mob is wearing)
  • boots (the boots your mob is wearing)

As an example: If you want a mob to wear the item on its head, you use helmet=.

Second section

is composed of several numbers: <ItemType>:<subid>;<amount>:<drop chance in %>;

  • The first part determines the item type in its internal name (get the list here), followed by a ":" to separate from the second part.
  • The second part is the subid of the item (get an overview here). Items like LOG can be of different types and these have different subids. Afterwards, put a ";" to separate the second from the third part.
  • The third part determines the stack size of your item.
  • The fourth part is optional and must be separated from the third part by using a ":". It sets the chance for this item to drop (numbers from 0-100). If you leave this blank, "item=" items drop by 100%, while the other types don't drop by default.

Third section

<[(<enchantment>-<level> | <lore> | meta=<meta> | name=<name>):]*>

The third part is optional and can contain lores, the item name, specialized meta and enchantments. Whatever the plugin cannot recognize as a proper enchantment or meta will count as lore. All enchantments, metas and lores must be separated from each other with a ":"

Enchantments are composed the following way: First part is the internal enchantment name (list here), followed by a "-" and the level of the enchantment.

Lore is anything else you write in that doesn't count as enchantment. Lores can be coloured! Each part of lore is one line. Example:

I am line 1:I am line 2:I am line 3

The Item name can be set if you use "name=" before its name, such as:

name=This is my name

Meta is a specially stored value that works for certain itemtypes only. Example: A leather armor can be coloured with a special meta, while an iron armor can't.

Available meta keys are:

  1. Player name for player SKULL_ITEM s
  2. Colour in RGB (red green blue) for leather armor:
  • AQUA: 255,255,0
  • BLACK: 0,0,0
  • BLUE: 255,0,0
  • FUCHSIA: 255,0,255
  • GRAY: 128,128,128
  • GREEN: 0,128,0
  • LIME: 0,255,0
  • MAROON: 0,0,128
  • NAVY: 128,0,0
  • OLIVE: 0,128,128
  • ORANGE: 0,165,255
  • PURPLE: 128,0,128
  • RED: 0,0,255
  • SILVER: 192,192,192
  • TEAL: 128,128,0
  • WHITE: 255,255,255
  • YELLOW: 0,255,255

Example of an item with a name, enchantments, meta and lore:

item=LEATHER_HELMET:0;1:10;OXYGEN-5:PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-6:DURABILITY-3:PROTECTION_PROJECTILE-6:name=Crown Of The Dead:The Skeleton King's symbol:Said to darken the brightest light:meta=192,192,192