Config and Permissions

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To use "/mc" you need the permission "".

If you want to use /mc <command> you need the permission "megacreeps.<command>".


//global settings

  showAnyCustomNames: true
  //Whether or not to display the name of the setup for each megacreep as if it was a player name.
  //This flag only counts for mobs that are spawned in a world that megacreeps is not active for.

  //The worlds where the replacement of spawning mobs is wanted.

  - world

  //You can spawn all types that you added for replacing normally spawning mobs.
  //This list is just for adding those you want to spawn by command WITHOUT adding them to the replacement pool.
  //In this example, the types would not be needed, since they are already added to natural spawns. This is showcase only.

  - armoredskeleton

//The setup for the worlds you added to activeworlds.

  //If you add a world to the activeworlds, please MAKE SURE, that this section also contains a setup for your added world!

    replaceNormalMobs: true
    //whether or not to replace mobs that spawn in darkness by default in this world.

    replacePluginMobs: false
    //whether or not to replace mobs that are spawned by plugins by default in this world. ATTENTION! Overrides the /mc spawn command!

    replaceSpawnerMobs: false
    //whether or not to replace mobs that are spawned from mobspawners, such as those in dungeons or castles

    replaceReinforcementMobs: false
    //whether or not to replace mobs that are spawned as reinforcement on hard mode or spawn for villager storms

    clearStandardDrops: false
    //whether or not to remove the basic drops which mobs normally have, such as gunpowder from creepers

    showCustomNames: false
    //Should mobs that spawn in this world use their names?

    removeNonreplaceableMobs: false
    //Do you want to remove all spawning mobs that you don't have a setup for?
    //Care: If you put this to true and are missing setups for a level, you will never know, but have less mobs spawning!
    //Care: If you have no setups for e.g. slimes, there won't be any slimes spawning anymore.

    hpDisplayType: none
    //What kind of display type for mob's hitpoints you want to use. Accepts numbers (1, 2 and 3 as of now).
    //If no number could be recognized, it will not use any hitpoints display as default.

      level1: 60
      level2: 30
      level3: 10
      //The chances are relative! They spawn in a relation of 60/30/10 for level 1/2/3.
      //This means, if you spawn 10 mobs, 6 would be level1, 3 level2 and 1 level3. You could also make this 6/3/1 in this example.
      //If you prefer percentages, make sure that summing up all level chances results in 100.
      //You are free to add or remove levels if you want, as long as they are spelled correctly.

    //The types that are used to replace normal mobs for this world. Feel free to add your own or modify the existing ones.
    //ATTENTION! The default config uses basic setups I created

    - armoredskeleton
    - bitingspider
    - classiccreeper
    - speedcreeper
    - endercreeper
    - thundercreeper
    - classicskeleton
    - classicspider
    - classiczombie
    - evilspider
    - fatzombie
    - fireskeleton
    - healzombie
    - powerskeleton
    - speedyspider
    - tankzombie
    - classicenderman
    - confusionman