

A simple yet customizable grapple hook!


Note: This page written for R: llamaGrapple v1.6 for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.10.02-R0.1


  • Easily manage custom configurations for privileged, donating, or ranked players.
  • Set the tool or item used as the grapple hook.
  • Set the sound the grapple makes.
  • Set the distance the grapple will pull from. (max 100 blocks)
  • Set the cool-down between grapple uses.
  • Set the vertical-gain (elevation) of the grapple.
  • Enable/Disable grapple hook durability.
  • Enable/Disable grapple use for blocks below the player.
  • Use Minecraft Time or System Time for servers that turn time off or use the "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false" gamerule.

Command / Usage / Permission

/llamagrappleDisplay command help.llamagrapple.grapple
/lgrappleGives access to use the grapple hook.llamagrapple.grapple
Gifts the grapple hook.
Right click to use it.
/lgrapple on|off
Disables notifications of durability and cool-down.
/lgrapple status (playername)
Display the status of a players config settings.
-Leave (playername) empty to display the default group.
/lgrapple distance # (playername)
Set the distance the grapple will reach.
-Leave (playername) empty to set the default distance.
This will also create the players settings if none exist.
/lgrapple cooldown # (playername)
Set the cool-down between grapple uses.
-Leave (playername) empty to set the default cool-down.
This will also create the players settings if none exist.
/lgrapple gain # (playername)
Set the vertical gain when grappling.
-Leave (playername) empty to set the default gain.
This will also create the players settings if none exist.
/lgrapple remove (playername)
Remove a players grapple settings.
/lgrapple reload
Reload the configuration file.
/lgrapple durable
Toggle durability reduction on grapple hooks.
/lgrapple time
Toggle between using Minecraft Time or System Time.
/lgrapple below
Toggle grapple use for blocks below the players.


/lgrapple gain 3 oooorgle
Sets the vertical gain for player oooorgle to 3.
(Creates user if not exist)
/lgrapple distance 20
Sets the distance for the Default grapple to 20 blocks.
/lgrapple distance 20 oooorgle
Sets the grapple distance for player oooorgle to 20 blocks.
(Creates user if not exist)
/lgrapple off
Disables notifications of durability and cool-down for the player sending the command.
/lgrapple remove oooorgle
Removes oooorgle's custom grapple settings.
/lgrapple status practiclycrp
Displays settings for player practiclycrp.
Gifts you the grapple hook.
Crafting the grapple hook in survival is as easy as making the tool, then naming it 'grapple hook' in an anvil.
If you have set an item that doesn't need crafting, like log or diamond, simply name the item the same way in the anvil.
Craft the tool in a crafting table.Name the tool 'grapple hook' in an anvil.


  1. Copy the .jar to your plugins folder and restart your server.
  2. Add permissions to your groups and players.
  3. Log in and type '/lgrapple' to start grappling.

  • Disable notification of new updates for this plugin by changing NotifyOpsWhenPluginUpdates to false in the plugins/llamaGrapple/config.yml.
  • Configure the gain, distance, and cool-down for each permission with in-game commands or by editing the config.yml.
  • Configure the sound, grapple item, and default notification settings by editing the config.yml.


This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, learn more.



For support and bug reporting please use the BukkitDev ticket system.

Previous Version Pages

R: llamaGrapple v1.5 for CB 1.7.9-R0.2 Jul 21, 2014
R: llamaGrapple v1.4 for CB 1.7.9-R0.1 May 28, 2014
R: llamaGrapple v1.33 for CB 1.7.9-R0.1 May 16, 2014

Known Caveats


Suggestions for improvements and additions to the next build are welcome in the comments.

Source Code

<3 CopyHeart <3


llamaGrapple is currently maintained by one individual in his free time. The amount of time he spends improving on this project is down to personal motivation, he doesn't get paid to keep this updated. If you find this plugin is a valued part of your server, please consider making a donation.

Other Plugins by this Author

llama - A collection of useful commands for both players and staff.
llamaArt - Turn your images into Pixel Art!
White-List Trust - Open your white-listed server when trusted players are online!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 19, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 7, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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