
Useful commands for Players and Staff


  • For Players
    • Players can request help from other players who have been added to the player support list. This sends a message and an audio alert, for when the supporter is afk or perhaps just watching a movie.
    • Players can broadcast their support request, or send it to a specific player on the list.
    • Supporting players can toggle their participation in support requests for when they do not want to be disturbed.
    • Players can toggle boosts to their natural sprinting and health regeneration abilities.
    • Players can open a crafting table anywhere.
  • For Staff
    • Display customized MOTD’s.
    • Display returning players names and when they last played in the MOTD.
    • Toggle alerts for pings, logins, and when anyone mines a rare ore.
    • Customize the sound that plays for each alert.
    • Ping and login alerts show aliases that use the same IP Address.
    • Set your compass to point to a player.
    • Get players last logout date and coordinates. Optionally you can also teleport to that location.
    • Set yourself as invisible to other players and the player list.
    • Access another players inventory or enderchest.
    • Get the UUID of a players.
    • Get statistics on server memory usage and ticks-per-second.


/llamaVersion information.llama.infoYesYes
/colorMinecraft Chat color codes.llama.colorYesYes
/lhRequest help from a support player.
/lh - Broadcast to all support players.
/lh (playername) - Send to a specific support player.
/lppToggle enhanced abilities.
(speed, health boost, regeneration)
/lctOpen a crafting table.llama.craftingtablellama.playerNoNo
/lsList support players.
/ls all - for a complete list.
requires llama.listsupportall permission
/ltsToggle support requests.llama.togglesupportllama.supportNoNo
/llToggle login alert.llama.loginsllama.adminNoNo
/lllList last 50 players.llama.loginsllama.adminYesNo
/lpToggle alerts for pings.llama.pingsllama.adminNoNo
/lasAdd a player to the support list.llama.addsupportllama.adminYesNo
/lrsRemove a player from the support list.llama.removesupportllama.adminYesNo
/lrpRemove a player from all lists.llama.removeplayerllama.adminYesNo
/lpuSet the server list MOTD for unknown players.
/lpu &aWelcome to the server!
/lpkSet the server list MOTD for known players.
/lpk &aWelcome back -player \nLast Login: -date
/lplSet the player login MOTD.
/lpl &aHello -player
/liAccess a players inventory.
/li (playername) - Access to inventory.
/li (playername) ec - Access to enderchest.
llama.inspectllama.* or OPNoNo
/lfindSets your compass to a player and list the coordinates.
/lfind (playername)
/lfind ‘reset’ or ‘spawn’ to set back to spawn.
/lseenGets logout date and coordinates of player.
/lseen (playername)
/lseen (playername) 'goto' - teleport to logout location.
/lvanishSet yourself as invisible.llama.vanishllama.adminNoNo
/loresToggle alerts when someone mines a rare ore.
/lores - Toggle alerts.
/lores (orename) - Toggle individual ores.
/lores staffonly - Toggle for permission only.
/lores status - Get status of rare ore alerts.
/luidDisplays the UUID of a playerllama.luidllama.adminYesNo
/llagDisplays server RAM and Ticks Per Second.llama.lagllama.adminYesNo


  1. Copy to your plugins folder and restart your server.
  2. Add the permissions or group node to your player or group in your permission manager or permissions.yml
  3. Log in and add players to the support list with '/las playername support'
  4. Add staff to the logins, or pings lists with '/las playername pings', '/las playername logins'.
  5. Edit the Config.yml in your plugins/llama folder to your preference.

  • Disable notification of new updates for this plugin by changing NotifyOpsWhenPluginUpdates to false in the plugins/llama/config.yml.


This plugin contains MCStats, which will collect basic information about your server. Click here to learn more.



For support and bug reporting please use the BukkitDev ticket system.

Known Caveats


Suggestions for improvements and additions to the next build are welcome in the comments.

Source Code

Not yet but, <3 CopyHeart <3


llama is currently maintained by one individual in his free time. The amount of time he spends improving on this project is down to personal motivation, he doesn't get paid to keep this updated. If you find this plugin is a valued part of your server, please consider making a donation.

Other Plugins by this Author

llamaArt - Turn your images into Pixel Art!
llamaGrapple - A simple yet configurable grapple hook.
White-List Trust - Open your white-listed server when trusted players are online!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 10, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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